Growing up the way I did, I never gave the word a second thought. After all, there’s nothing heavenly about being raised in the mafia world, a place of violence and fear, spending every day on edge to stay one step ahead of danger.
But when Sebastian said I could have anything in the world, he meant it. And after the hell we’ve been through for the past few months, there’s nothing I wanted more than this:
A private yacht bobbing gently on the ocean. Blue skies overhead. And nothing but aquamarine water for miles around, all the way to the horizon.
I sigh with happiness, laying back on the plush cushioned prow of the boat. After the news of Richard’s death broke, England was a madhouse of press, and police, and breathless speculation. Sebastian’s PR team took care of making sure everyone knew the truth about what had happened, but we didn’t want to stick around to deal with the drama. In time, I’m guessing some other big scandal will replace him on the front pages, but until then, I’m happy to avoid the whole mess.
Now, we’re a thousand miles away from all of it. The sun burns at the edges of my massive hat, toasting my skin with warmth until the icy fear that I felt with Richard is just a distant memory.
“Careful, you don’t want to burn.”
I sit up, as Sebastian joins me, wearing only swim trunks, and carrying two icy glasses. I smile, admiring the view. “My personal sunscreen assistant must be slipping,” I coo, taking a sip of the delicious cocktail.
“My mistake.” Sebastian gives me a wolfish grin. “I’ve fallen behind schedule. Let me make it up to you, immediately.”
I pass him the sunscreen, and turn my back, as he squeezes a dollop of the cool cream, and slowly smooths it over my shoulders.
“Nero and Lily texted,” I report, glancing back at him. “They want to meet you, if we stop by in New York. Properly, I mean,” I add with a grin. “No vendettas or corporate takeovers allowed.”
Sebastian snorts with laughter. “Sure, we’ll all get dinner. In fact, why not invite Caleb and Juliet, too?” he adds, naming Nero’s half-brother—and another of Sebastian’s bitter rivals. “Since we’re all as good as family now.”
I giggle at the idea. The mafia boss, the jewelry CEO, and the corporate raider, under one roof. We would have to scan for weapons at the door, after everything they’ve been through. “Now that would be an interesting night!”
My laughter turns to a gasp as his touch becomes deliberate, skating over my bare skin, down to my bikini strings.
“Now, what did I tell you about the boat rules?” he murmurs, tugging at the ties.
“That you wanted me naked at all times?” I laugh, turning back to him. “Sebastian, you can’t be serious—”
He tugs the ties, and my bikini top falls away. “I never joke when it comes to your body,” he says, with an appreciative growl. “Now, you need to pay a forfeit to the captain.”
“Yes, sir,” I tease, and arch my back, inviting. “Come claim your prize.”
His eyes blaze over my bare breasts, and then he’s leaning in, dipping his head to kiss one slope, his mouth dragging over the sensitive skin.
I moan, sinking back. Sebastian sucks one nipple into his mouth, moving me to lay beneath him. His erection is already pressing thickly against me, and I whimper in anticipation, grinding up to tease him, just the way he’s driving me crazy.
Sebastian groans, lifting his head. “You’re insatiable,” he smirks, and I grin back. We’ve been making love nonstop all week; we couldn’t even wait until the flight touched down before making good use of his jet’s private bedroom.
“Are you complaining?”
“Never,” he vows, nipping at one earlobe. “In fact, I thank God every minute of every day that I have you here, all to myself.”
“That’s a lot of gratitude,” I bite my lip, giving him a look as, deliberately, I part my thighs. “Show me.”
Sebastian’s eyes flash with lust. “With pleasure.”
He hooks his thumbs over my bikini bottoms and tugs them down. I don’t know why I bothered to even put them on; Sebastian has kept me naked pretty much constantly since we set sail.
Naked, and gasping his name.
Now, he settles between my legs, and gives my pussy a lazy lick, making me tense and gasp in pleasure before slowly, teasingly, he begins to lap at my aching clit.
“Oh…” I sink back, my moans of pleasure echoing across the water.