As the dealerbegins to pass out our cards, the irony isn’t lost on me. This whole mission started at the poker table, and now I’m right back here for the end.
“What do you say we make things interesting?” Richard chortles, checking out his cards. “I’m in for ten g’s.”
There’s a titter of laughter, but everyone at the table agrees.
“Make that twenty,” I say coolly, and he glances over, surprised.
“And you are…?” he frowns, clearly trying to place me.
I give a mysterious shrug. “Oh, nobody to you, I’m sure.”
Just the woman who’s going to reveal your murderous past.
The game gets underway, with players discarding cards, and sussing out their competition. The bets rise higher, but I couldn’t care less about the cards I’m holding. I bluff fearlessly, like I have money to burn. There’s only one person I’m watching.
I’m playing a different kind of game, and no one at the table knows it. And in my game, I hold all the cards.
“You’re quite the player,” Richard remarks, as I raise his bet another twenty thousand pounds. I take a sip of my champagne and ignore the way my skin crawls when Richard’s eyes dip down to my cleavage.
“You too,” I say coolly. “You have a real ‘take no prisoners’ style. Or it should be… Leave no witnesses?” I add lightly. My tone is so breezy, none of the other players catch the remark, but Richard does. He pauses, frowning at me.
I smile back, hidden behind my mask.
“How do we know you, again?” he asks.
I shrug. “Oh, I’m more of a family friend. Although, we have several mutual friends. Brian Kendall, for example,” I say lightly, naming the forensics expert who Richard had killed. “In fact, we were just talking, the other day. He had plenty to say about you.”
Richard chokes on his drink, spluttering in shock.
He looks across the table at me, and his expression changes. Recognition, and then confusion, dawning in his eyes.
He knows it’s me. He just can’t imaginehow.
“Kendall, you say?” Richard says, recovering. “Poor man. Heard he died tragically. It’s happening too often, these days.”
“Isn’t it just?” I narrow my eyes. “His family must be devastated.”
“Of course.” Richard holds my gaze, and I see the flash of nastiness he usually manages to hide. “If only he’d made different choices, perhaps things wouldn’t have gone this way.”
I control my temper. There’s no point fighting here. Now that the hook is baited, it’s time to reel him in.
“Whoops, I guess I fold.” I set my cards down and rise to my feet. “It’s been fun, but I think it’s time I was moving on.”
I give a little wave, and then sashay away, making sure that I’m walking slow enough for Richard to see exactly where I’m heading.
I catch my breath on the landing, my hands trembling with nerves. I might be cool and calm on the outside, but inside, my heart is pounding out of my chest.
Will it work? We’re betting on Richard following me himself for answers, but he could just as easily call security, and have me dragged out.
I need to act fast.
I make my way down the hallway to Richard’s office, with its flashy glass-walled mezzanine and views over the back terrace. There’s a box of cigars on the desk, and a bag of golf clubs resting near the door: The gentleman’s sanctuary, with photographs of Richard posing with politicians and celebrities. Taking the small video camera out of my purse, I set it up carefully between framed pictures on the bookcase, making sure it’s at just the right level to record what happens in the room.