Page 63 of Priceless Fate

Preying on my family. Coming after the people I love the most.

It has to end.Now.

“The man is smart,” Avery says grimly, as we review everything we know. “Destroying the evidence, getting rid of any potential witnesses… There’s no proof left, of anything.”

“He’s created the perfect narrative,” I agree bitterly, pacing in the narrow living room, restless. Saint’s townhouse is the height of luxury, but I still feel caged here. “Everyone thinks I’m the bad guy here, and that he’s the only trustworthy one in the room.”

“Yeah… About that,” Avery gives a wince. “Sorry.”

I exhale. “It’s not your fault,” I tell her sincerely. “Exposing that I was the one behind the wheel for the accident… You thought you were doing the right thing.”

“And Richard got to me, too,” she says with a scowl. “I never liked the guy, but I didn’t think he was capable of murder.”

She pauses. “Maybe we’re going at this the wrong way,” she says, looking thoughtful. “Maybe it isn’t proof we really need.”

“You’re right,” I say grimly. “Maybe this is a problem I need to solve for myself.”

“No!” Avery protests immediately.

“You can’t tell me you care if he lives or dies?” I demand, and she gives me a look.

“Not him, you.” Avery glares. “And if there’s one thing I’ve learned from the past few months, it’s that no vengeance ever works out the way you plan. If you go after Richard, you could wind up hurt. Arrested. Or even worst: Dead.”

I shake my head. “I wouldn’t be so stupid.”

“And I won’t give you the choice,” Avery says fiercely. “I’ve just found you, and I refuse to let you go again. So if you try anything… Well, I’ll just kill you myself.”

I would never have thought a promise of murder would warm my heart, but seeing Avery’s devotion helps ease the anger burning in my chest.

For the first time, I’m not alone. She has my back. And I need to protect her too, no matter what.

I realize Avery has fallen silent, looking thoughtful. I know that expression well: She’s planning something.

“What is it?”

“Our whole problem here is that it’s his word against ours, right?” she says slowly. “He’s the one with the big deal profile as the new CEO of Wolfe Capital. Even bigger now that everyone thinks you’re dead,” she points out. “He’s been playing it up, courting the press, because he loves the status. I mean, this whole big anniversary party he’s hosting with your mom this weekend, that’s just a big excuse for attention. So why don’t we use that against him? Use his own words to expose him.”

“You mean, set him up to confess somehow?” I ask, frowning. “He would never fall for it.”

“Wouldn’t he?” Avery smiles, her eyes bright now. “The man has an ego the size of London—plus, I bet he’s just dying to crow about his brilliant plans. He thinks we’re dead, remember? That he’s gotten away with it all. If we show up and somehow shock him into a confession…”

“He couldn’t help himself,” I finish, feeling optimistic for the first time in days. “He always wants to be the smartest guy in the room.” I pause. “But still, it’s a big risk. He might not play ball.”

“We’ll make him,” she says, steely. “There’s no other choice.”

We goover our plan for the rest of the night, thinking through every angle. Avery is in her element, determined to see this through. The thought is strangely comforting. I’d bet on her, any day. Avery has proven, she can be brilliant and ruthless, stopping at nothing to get her revenge.

I can admire that heartless streak in her, now it’s not directed at me.

“We should take a break,” Avery says, pushing our scribbled papers aside. She gets up, stretching with a yawn. “Do you want something to eat?”

I shake my head.

“We could put on a movie, watch some TV…” she suggests.

“No. I can’t think about anything right now except this.”

“Are you sure about that?”