Page 66 of When I Come Home

I nod. “And you?” I ask, my heart jumping with anxiety that she may feel differently than I do. “How are you feeling about it?”

“No regrets here either.”

Our gazes lock for a few long beats as relief warms my blood. I want so much to kiss her again, to slip back inside her body and remind myself what home feels like.

She's it.

She's always been it.

Always will be too. Even though our lives are so different, even though the world will probably never allow us to be together, there will never be another woman who makes my soul feel as safe as she does.

“You're staring again,” she whispers, nibbling her bottom lip.

“Hard not to,” I repeat, same as before.

Sparks of electricity fly around us, making the air glitter like a starlit sky. She leans in first—or maybe I do, I don't know. All that matters is her mouth is on mine again and everything is okay.

Her hands find their way to my face, to the back of my neck and into my hair. Her touch is morphine, numbing the pain that tortures me when I can't feel her skin on mine. It's the first drink after getting lost in the desert. The first breath after being trapped underwater.

But knowing that I'll only get to be with her like this for the next however many days until she leaves is a different kind of torment. She said she has no reason to come back to Tupelo and I don't want to assume that anything's changed just because I fucked the life out of her last night. I can't ask her to stay, because that wouldn't be fair and I can't move to California because my business and family are here.

We're in a catch-22 with no future, even if she did want one.

“You okay?” Thea pulls back, sensing my distraction.

Faking a smile, I nod and lean in for another kiss, but she presses her fingers to my lips and nudges me away. I should've known better than to think she wouldn't push the subject.

“Tell me what you're thinking,” she says softly.

Scrubbing a hand across my jaw, I prepare myself for honesty. Guess there's no use lying to her when she'd see right through me anyway. “What happens now?” I ask. “With us, I mean.”

Her expression saddens. “I don't want to think about that,” she says, her fingers turning limp in my hair.

“Hey“—I attempt a smile to lift the mood—“you asked.”

“I know. I just wish it wasn't something we had to think about.”

Stroking my thumb back and forth across her cheek, I press a kiss to her forehead. “Me too.”

“Guess it's something we need to talk about, huh?”

“Yeah,” I agree, “but not right now.”

“Good.” She grins, genuine and bright. “Because I was hoping for a rerun of last night.”

I raise my eyebrows in surprise. “You're not too sore?”

Smirking, she repositions herself on my lap to straddle me. My cock stiffens between us and presses against her pussy. Fuck, she's already wet.

“I thought you wanted me to be sore.”

“Not if it'll get in the way of me fucking you.”

She smiles and it's the most seductive thing I've ever seen. “Nothing ever could.”

Taking her at her word, I lift her with two hands and then slam her down onto my dick. “Good. You can ride me, then, princess.”

Her head falls back with a long gasp, red hair spilling out behind her. Gathering it into a ponytail, I keep it fisted in one hand, pulling on it enough for her back to arch and her breasts to thrust up into my face.