Page 113 of When I Come Home

“Sorry, Mommy.”

“If that were true you wouldn’t keep doing it, would you?”

Atlas looks up at me, all pouty lips and eyes too big for his face. Grey are his irises, just like his daddy’s. “But I needed to tell you something.”

“And you needed to run because?”

“Because it’s important.”

I wipe my hands with a tea towel and throw it to the side, scooping to pick up Atlas under his arms to then sit him on the counter. His little legs immediately start to swing back and forth.

“Are you making cookies, Mommy?”


“Can I have one?” He blinks at me, fluttering his eyelashes several more times than

necessary in a move I’m sure he learnt from his father. “Pretty please?”

“They’re still cooking, baby, but you can have one later. Wanna help me frost them when

they’re done?”

He smiles, big and wide with a gap at the front where he’s lost his first milk tooth, and it’s my favourite thing in the entire world. “Yes, please, Mommy.”

I ruffle his hair, dark and wild and in dire need of a trim. “So, what did you need to tell me in such a hurry then, little guy?”

“Oh,” his face lights up, “Daddy wanted you to know that he wants cheeseburgers for


A loud laugh escapes me. “Did he now?”

He nods emphatically. “Yup. With bacon. And extra fries.” He stops for a moment to think, lifting his finger to his chin as he does so. “Oh, and milkshakes!”

“I’m not sure that’s how I remember the conversation going, buddy.”

Atlas’s head whips around at the sound of his father’s voice, guilt staining his rosy cheeks.

“Hey, little one.” Holden presses his lips to my forehead, then turns to Atlas to do the same.

“Hey, littler one.” Finally, he bends his head to drop a kiss to my growing stomach. “Hey,

littlest one.”

“You said you wanted cheeseburgers, Daddy.”

“Hmm,” Holden ruffles our son’s hair, “I think what happened was you asked me if I like

cheeseburgers and I said yes.”

Atlas pouts. “Same thing.”

“Not sure it is, little guy.” I laugh and boop his nose.

“But if you ask Daddy real nicely, he might do some burgers on the outdoor grill for dinner.”

Atlas turns bright eyes to his dad and gives him his sweetest smile. “Oh, please, Daddy,