She took the opportunity to retake her seat and study the programme while she calmed her erratic breathing. The music started and Leo sat beside her. Very close beside her.

‘Let’s try this again,’ he whispered softly.

His hand came to rest upon hers in her lap, his fingers massaging the back of her palm idly, just as a lover’s might. He looked straight ahead, focusing on the beautiful performance, completely unaffected by their contact.

She was suddenly very aware of her breathing as she tried to concentrate on the stage below.

His fingers laced through hers as his head tilted and he whispered in her ear. ‘Much better, Dara, a perfect balance between quiet disdain and shivering anticipation.’

‘I did not shiver,’ she hissed, turning to find his eyes filled with mirth.

The couple next to them tutted with disapproval.

‘You’re being deliberately disruptive.’ She shook her head, focusing on the show below.

‘I can’t help it.’ He tilted his head again, his attention now completely focused on her.

‘Well, try harder,’ she scolded, folding her hands in her lap tightly. ‘This isn’t the place to teach me how to lie effectively. I haven’t even agreed to continue this little charade.’

‘You’re right.’ He stood up, grabbing her by the hand and speaking quietly to the couple behind them. ‘Excuse us

—my beautiful companion isn’t quite feeling herself.’ He pulled her up from her seat easily and motioned for her to precede him out through the door of the box.

Dara exited into the corridor, turning to face him as he closed the door behind him. ‘I didn’t mean that we had to leave,’ she said, exasperated.

‘My attention wasn’t exactly on the show.’ He stepped closer. ‘Something occurred to me in there.’

Dara watched as he took another step, bringing him so close they were almost chest to chest. His eyes didn’t leave hers as he leaned closer, his gaze sweeping over her lips with clear intent. The thought occurred to her that she was going to let him kiss her. Even worse—she wanted him to.

‘What occurred to you?’ she whispered, her tongue sneaking out to dampen her lips before she could stop herself.

He followed the movement eagerly. ‘You have no reason to help me after tonight.’

‘I suppose you’re right.’ She shook off the feeling of disappointment at his words. He was correct, After tonight they had no reason to continue to work together except for maybe exchanged e-mails about the castello.

‘What if I offered you more than a contract for your celebrity wedding?’ he asked quietly.

Dara felt her pulse quicken at the word more.

‘I’ve been thinking... The castle is virtually abandoned, with no purpose. Your vision for this wedding will bring vitality to it again. It might even help bring some revenue to Monterocca. God knows they need it, being so far from the busier tourist resorts.’

‘I’m flattered you paid so much attention to my slideshow.’ She smiled.

‘I can offer you exclusive rights to hold a small amount of select weddings at the castello. I will hire you to oversee the renovations and ensure it is fit for purpose again.’

‘Leo, that would be...amazing...’ she breathed.

‘I want nothing more to do with the place once this deal is finalised. So it’s not a selfless act. I trust that you will do a good job, Dara?’

‘I assure you that you will have nothing to worry about,’ she gushed, the excitement of his revelation taking her completely by surprise.

‘You will accompany me tomorrow evening, then?’ he said plainly.

Dara laughed. ‘I suppose I’ll have to now.’

‘It will be the last thing I ask of you.’

His expression was earnest as they made their way down the corridor to the grand hallway and out towards the waiting car.

The thought of spending another evening as the focus of his attention, of having him touch her and speak to her like a lover, made her feel uneasy.

She stayed silent on the drive back to the apartment, her thoughts still frazzled from their encounter in the opera box. He had barely touched her and she’d been on the verge of throwing herself at him. She had been so sure he was about to kiss her in the corridor.

The fear of being branded a liar by Umberto Lucchesi was nothing compared to the fear of being kissed by Leo Valente. He hadn’t kissed her yet, but with an entire evening planned in his company tomorrow surely it was inevitable that he would.