Page 64 of Not a Living Soul

“Yes, but I haven’t reached out to them yet. I can’t alert Knight where I may be or what I’m doing until I have enough information.”

“You cop types and your evidence.”

“I heard you were a good... how’d you put it? Information broker?”

A lazy smile came back to his face.

“I need information on Knight. He hasn’t been truthful with either of us, and he seems to be a bit too friendly with Curtis after he tried to kill me.” She pulled down the turtleneck she wore under the cloak to show the bruising.

“Oh, my, baby. I heard you went to the hospital, I didn’t think... he’s going to extremes.”

“A bit. People do when they're scared.” She released her hold and let the garment slide back into place.

“You need me to get you out?” Sincerity reached his eyes, tightening her throat. She wanted to take him up on it and just be done with this entire ordeal, but she couldn’t. Mel deserved that much at least.

“No, I need you to get me further in. He’s not getting away with what he’s done. Not to me, not to you, not to Sammy... and not to Mel.” She leaned forward, clasping her hands together. “He’s killed more than that, I’m sure, and will continue to in order to get what he wants. This city deserves better than him.”

“So, what’chu need?” Dominic took a deep breath and settled back into his seat.

“I need any information you have on Jason Sable and any interaction he may have had with Knight.”

“What makes you think I have any information on Mr. Sable?” He chuckled and eyed her. “One of your informants on the other side?”

“A guess.” She smiled back. “Besides being an excellent information broker, you’re also a smart businessman. If you wanted to make sure of the risks with an individual, you’d want to know about them before even agreeing to meet with them.”

He laughed before he pointed at her. “Smart girl.”

“I would like to think that’s what’s kept me alive this long.”

Loretta strutted into the room and eyed Anastacia before shifting her attention to Dominic.

“He gone?” Dominic asked.

“For now. As much as I enjoy having visitors, it may be a good thing if she’s gone before he comes back, Daddy.”

“Then let’s make this quick.” Dominic shifted his weight and waved to Loretta. “Get the office ready. I need to get some documents for our guest.”

Loretta nodded and threw a playful wink at Anastacia. “Don’t worry, baby. We got’chu.”

The next few hours passed in the largest personal office Anastacia had ever seen. Thinking back to her days on her college campus, she remembered even the dean’s office wasn’t this impeccable. A couple of young ladies flittered between cabinets and computers, constantly moving from printer, to file, to referencing a book.

“So many books.” Anastacia stretched her neck to look up at the long stacks. She was impressed by the collection in his lounge, but this surpassed it easily.

“And all of them having to do with law.” Dominic walked up beside her. “A man of my stature has to make sure no legalities are being overlooked.”

Dominic’s large hand waved at Montgomery, calling him over.


“I have a feeling we’re going to be here for a spell. Round up two plates of the shrimp gumbo with garlic sausage, would ya?” Dominic rubbed at his stomach.

“Yes, boss.” Montgomery spun on his heel to fill their order.

Loretta popped her head out from the back of the room, tucking a small box under her arm. Holding out the box to Anastacia with the charming smile she used with Knight. “Burner phone. You use this, they ain’t tracking you. They tracking some boy from Bismarck instead.”

“Thank you.” Anastacia peeked into the box at the smartphone, charged and ready. Pulling out the phone she shook it in Dominic’s direction. “You don’t waste time, do you?”

“Never been the type.” Dominic shrugged with some effort and snapped his fingers in the air. Both ladies in the office stopped and turned full attention in his direction. “Now, let’s get her what she needs. I need everything, digital and printed, on Jason Sable and our good friend Detective Knight.”