Page 67 of Not a Living Soul

“I’m still here,” he answered, pushing himself back up. “I’m here, Stacia.”

Her hand went to her chest, feet carrying her toward him. He watched her, now realizing she stared not at him, but at her reflection through the mirror hanging in the hallway. She gazed into her own eyes, and he saw her droop a little in exhaustion.

“You’re strong. You can make it through this. Even without me,” he whispered, knowing she couldn’t hear him.“You always could.”

His voice didn’t carry to her, but something sparked in her eyes before she turned from the mirror and strode out the door, locking it behind her. He took a step back from the mirror, happy that she was outside of the Gatekeeper’s reach again.

You are a protector.

“Against what? You?” Mel faced the endless darkness. “What the hell are you?”

We were made by the Creator to gather those who have lost themselves, those who are too far gone. A spiritual construct to keep the balance of light and dark. Life and death.

“Were you ever human?”

We came to be from the parts and pieces of souls who once were human, they beg you to keep her safe.

“From what? From the dark souls you drag into this nothingness? From people like Knight? How am I going to protect her if I’m here?”

As a protector, you have stopped us from having any interaction with her. She does not see us, and we cannot reach her. We must. Release us from this hold and we release you.

“Nowyou’re all about making deals. What about Stacia? You going to keep pulling her into this shit?”

She’s part of the cycle—

“Then no deal. You either leave her alone or we’re going to be the best of friendsforever.”

The voices paused for a second. He felt more than heard them shift around him.

We aren’t here to hurt or take her.

“Then what do you want? Why'd you take me anyway? I'm not a dark soul. I'm not lost. Not anymore.”

We cannot take her like we can the others. She must stay as she is. But there are things worse than us, human. And they are always hunting her. We must test all souls drawn to her, who wish to stay with her.

“You're testing the souls around her? Is that what you did to her mother?”

There was another long pause from the voices. He could still sense them around him, their energy looping around and over him in constant movement.

A mother’s want to protect her daughter should have been strong enough. Yet, when given the same choice as you, instead of protecting her daughter, she chose a life under the influence of a demon. We couldn't let her take control. Couldn't let it take control.

“So, you took the dark soul before she could take Anastacia.”

No soul has wanted to protect her like you. Most want to possess her. None have offered to be possessed for her. Until you.

“All this was a test?”

She is a special human. She doesn’t realize how strong she will become. She is not there yet. We could not take a chance, no matter the affection you felt for her.

“Affection? I’m in love with her. Don’t you get that? I will do everything, anything for her.”

Love may cause more loss. We have seen and experienced your limits.

“Will I leave her when my case is closed?”

We do not control your passing. We only take the souls who linger longer than they should, who turn to the darkness. She’s stronger since you’ve entered her life. Accepted more of herself, but she is still vulnerable to death… and more.

“Then give me back what time I have. I release you, you release me, right?”