Page 8 of Tormented Angel

Fuck, what would I even do with my freedom? I don’t remember what it’s like to be free. As I eat my dinner, I try to keep my hands from shaking, but I’m petrified. The conversation Duarte and Nazyr are having is muffled by the intense beating of my heart in my chest. I don’t know what to do right now, but I know I can’t show any emotional reaction. It will only piss Duarte off, and if I end up staying here with him, then I don’t want to deal with the repercussions of that later.

Why am I even thinking like going with Nazyr would be better? There is no one that is better to deal with. Duarte and his associates are all vile men. They’re all heavily involved in the criminal world, and it just shows that they’re the type of men who will do anything they want, even if they know it’s wrong.

But there’s a bigger issue here: my daughters. If I’m forced to leave, I know Duarte won’t let me take them with me. He’ll instead keep them here, having nannies raise them for the rest of their lives. Even though he’s their father, I often wonder if one day he’ll get physical and beat them the way he’s done to me. I try to push the thought out of the forefront of my mind, but I know what he’s capable of. I’ve witnessed his cruelty firsthand many, many times.

If I leave, I’ll likely never be able to see them ever again. Suddenly, keeping my emotions hidden away becomes harder to do. Still, I’m doing my best because I don’t want to be attacked right now. I don’t want Duarte to even sense I’m becoming upset.

“Ma’am?” a man’s deep voice calls my attention from my internal thoughts, and he offers me a glass of champagne which I gladly accept.

“Thank you,” I tell him with a forced smile and then look over at Duarte, who’s too busy speaking to Nazyr. However, Nazyr has his eyes glued on me. What is he thinking? What in the world is running through that mind of his? I wonder if he’s debating taking me with him or is he thinking about how he’ll string me up and slice me up like a serial killer. God, the anxiety coursing through my veins right now is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. At least since I’ve been with Duarte, I know what to expect from him, but I don’t know what to expect from the man who’s staring at me, his eyes not revealing any of his thoughts.

I don’t know a damn thing about him except that he must be powerful and his family is important. I only know those last two things because of the way Duarte is speaking to him. I might not seem like I pay a lot of attention to what they’re saying, but I’m always listening.

“I noticed you have quite the art collection,” Nazyr speaks up.

“Ah, I do. It’s a passion my mother instilled in me. Come, I’ll show you more of it.” Duarte rises, and Nazyr quickly follows.

Duarte takes a few steps and then turns back to look at me. “Come on, Mona.”

“My sister is an artist, but for some reason, I’m sure you know that already.”

Duarte smirks at Nazyr’s comment. “I do. One day I hope to visit her gallery. I’m always looking to add more pieces to my home.”

Duarte does research into everyone, which kind of makes me think he knew exactly who I was when I was here in my first days. I think he had his people look into me, and when he saw I was a well-educated woman, he decided to keep me. I think if I had been some boring girl, I would’ve been killed or sold to someone else.

“You’re welcome to. She has some beautiful pieces.”

“Noted. Have you given any thought to my walking artwork? I doubt she will disappoint you, Nazyr,” Duarte goes on, then looks back at me.

Nazyr turns his head and scans his eyes up and down my body. “I haven’t made up my mind.”

I inhale sharply, growing more terrified as the night goes on. If he leaves me here, I think I’m going to end up dead.

“Go and touch her.”

Touch me? Duarte has literally severed hands for less than that. I can’t tell if he’s serious or not, and with wide eyes, I look at Duarte. He smirks and looks back over at his business associate. “I mean it, Nazyr. Go ahead.” Every bit of his tone is forceful, and I’m beginning to think Nazyr doesn’t really have an option.

Nazyr locks his eyes with mine and then walks over toward me. We stare at each other for maybe ten or fifteen seconds. He gets closer to me until he’s only a mere inch away from my body. Nazyr turns to Duarte. “I appreciate the offer, but I don’t need to touch her.”

“I beg to differ. You haven’t lived life until you’ve had yourself buried in that soft, delicate pussy of hers. It is truly life-changing, my friend.” Duarte’s words shock me even more because he’s never spoken about me in this manner to anyone. In fact, I’ve never had to ever fear being touched by anyone in his presence. Looked at, sure, but never actually touched.

Okay, maybe that’s a lie. He has spoken in a degrading manner about me to others before, but I was always under the impression he’d never let another person touch me. I thought that would always mean I was safe, but right now, it’s proving that I’m not safe. I’m not safe in the least bit. Nausea rolls through my stomach, and I force myself to take a sip of champagne. I need to keep acting normal right now. I need to act like none of this is phasing me.

“Mmm, well, you know I’ve had my fair share of women,” Nazyr states, and I can sense he’s trying to change the conversation slightly. I think he’s trying to discuss something else with Duarte.

“I’m sure you have, but I insist. Take her into a room and test her out. I’m certain after you try her out, you won’t want to leave here without her. And don’t worry; she’s a token of gratitude, Nazyr. I’m insisting, so please, take her.” Duarte motions with his hand for him to take me into the nearest room, and I’m struggling to maintain my composure.

I don’t know why… I should’ve expected this. I should’ve anticipated that one day Duarte would grow bored with me. I couldn’t keep his attention forever, right? I was likely always going to be discarded. I just didn’t know it at the time… fuck!

Nazyr comes over to me and snakes his arm around my waist, pulling me into the nearest room.

Duarte’s footsteps can be heard behind us, and Nazyr looks behind him. “I’ll take the liberty of shutting the door since I can be certain you’re not a voyeur.” Duarte cackles and then shuts the door, and I swallow hard.

This is it.

I’m going to be raped again.

At least when it’s by Duarte, I know what to expect, but I don’t know anything about Nazyr. Hell, I’m terrified, but not solely because of the rape. I’m terrified because I know the moment Nazyr touches me, I’m dead if I stay here.