Page 8 of Vicious Angel

I pick up my pint of Guinness and take a sip. “I only know how to go in for the kill.”

“Good to know. When it comes to my father’s ambitions, they are his own.”

Interesting. “So, are you trying to tell me you don’t care as much as he does about taking over his uncle’s position?”

Santos smiles and then swallows hard. “I’m sure you know how difficult it is for me to speak about this. It would essentially destroy any bit of leverage I have for the proposal in the first place.”

There’s my answer. “You don’t care about his ambitions, so why even agree to this proposal nonsense?”

“You think I have a choice? I don’t. He’s made it very clear that unless I fall in line behind him, he won’t stand a chance against his uncle. My father isn’t the best person on the planet, but I do want him to be happy. This seems to be giving him some sort of happiness, chasing this dream and all.”

“Does it seem worth it to you?”

“What?” Santos asks me in return, taking another sip of his drink.

“Is shaking up the entire hierarchy in Mexico worth it for your father’s happiness? Alejandro has been great to your people, and your father’s reputation is… dark.”

“He is his father’s son.” Santos’ comment blows me away. His statement should startle him. It should show him how his father isn’t fit to lead, yet he’s still on the ride his father threw him on.

“Then why support him?” I place my elbows on the table and get a bit closer to him. “Why blindly follow a man who will only cause mayhem?”

“Because right now, it’s my only choice. I could be convinced to alter my loyalty, given the right situation… presents itself.” I have a hard time keeping my lips pressed together because my jaw wants to drop so badly. Santos isn’t sold on his father taking over the cartel. If I’m reading the situation correctly right now, and I know for a fucking fact I am… he doesn’t want his father to lead. He knows it would bring bloodshed and chaos to Mexico, and they’ve been through enough of that already.

“You can’t seriously be trying to tell me you’re a pawn in his game.”

“A valuable one, but I am. Are you not a pawn in your brother’s?” Santos raises his brows and waits for me to answer.

“If I was, he would’ve agreed to the marriage proposal on my behalf. But I’m sitting here with you, so you can see I have my own power.” I cock my head to the side for a second and take another sip of my drink.

Santos smirks, and his words have me wondering what we could accomplish together. “You and I… I know it was presented for your family’s support for my father, but I see another option here.”

“You see it as a way to get your freedom.” If Santos were to marry into my family, it would mean he’s loyal to us, not Julio.

“It would. We don’t have to dive into the deep anymore today. I’m going to be in London for a few days, and I know you are as well. There is something I wanted to ask you. I’m not sure if it’s simply rumors or not.”

“What would that be?” I ask while appreciating he’s giving me time to think about what he said.

“Have you really changed your surname to Umarova?”

I nod. “Yes, as has Nazyr. Ruslan has brought us into the fold, and we’re just as involved as Lom is.”

“Mmm, he values family above all else. I wish my father understood how to do that.”

I’m caught on Santos’ words, and the waitress comes up with the food we’ve ordered. This chat is going well, but I’m not going to hold my breath. The man could’ve been baiting me this entire time, but I’d like to think he isn’t.

Chapter Five


My first meeting with Eset went better than I expected. Not only did it go well, but I got a good feeling about what type of woman she was. Her wit blew me away completely. She wasn’t only witty, but she had incredible confidence, and that’s not something you see too often these days. Upon first meeting her, I have to say I had a good impression of her character.

Eset is the kind of woman who knows exactly what she wants, and while I don’t think it’s necessarily me, I do think she wants dedication, honesty, and information. Our marriage could give her that if she chooses to accept my proposal. She hasn’t given me an answer as of yet, and while I would like some sort of feedback by now, I’m not going to pressure her for an answer. I’ve been made very well aware that this is a decision Eset is making, not her brother, so pressuring her could ruin everything I’m looking to achieve.

Eset and I both agreed we’d meet at the National Gallery here in London. It’s a beautiful, sunny day, which isn’t too common here. This city looks so much different when the weather’s actually decent. The sky is a bright blue, not quite as bright as back home in Cancun, but still, it’s beautiful. Birds fly by chirping, heading into the trees, which I assume must house their nests. Waves of people walk by me, some who seem to be locals, and others who are obviously tourists since they have their phones out, snapping pictures and taking videos.

I’m currently standing in Trafalgar Square, and the National Gallery is only a few minutes walk away from here. Eset and I both know people have heard whispers about our potential marriage and our potential alliance with the other’s family. I have a strong feeling that there are people here watching every move I make, reporting back to her family or mine. It would make sense that my father would send someone here to keep an eye on me and report back, but it sickens me.

He has to know what I’m doing is only what he asked of me, minus me telling Eset his own interests aren’t my own. Hell, he could’ve even sent Lu here, but I’m unsure. Hopefully, he wouldn’t have because he knows how I feel about her. I’ve never kept my opinions of Lu to myself. Every now and again, I’ll make a comment about her because she does some fucked-up shit that could put everything he’s aiming to achieve in jeopardy. His goals aren’t my own, no, but it doesn’t mean I want my father to be with a woman who has no problem tearing him down.