Just like that, they had the privacy for this to escalate.
And it did.
Ruby didn’t even try to slow things down, not that she could have managed it anyway. She just let herself be swept away with the heat and need.
Brennan gave that need a huge boost when he pressed himself against her, bringing back memories of when they’d been teenagers. Making new memories, too, because he no longer had a rangy teen body. The man was built, solid muscle, a side effect from all those years of ranching. Ruby knew she was benefiting from that work because she had plenty to hang on to.
It turned out that she needed the hanging on since she thought her legs had dissolved when Brennan added some touching to the firestorm of kissing. He slid his hand between them, cupping her right breast and swiping his thumb over her nipple.
Oh, yes. No doubts whatsoever about this.
Ruby did her own share of touching, running her hands over those tight muscles in his back, but she recalled something else that had once set Brennan on fire. She kissed his neck and was rewarded when he made a low groan of pleasure.
She’d heard him make that sound before, though back then she had been well aware that she was going to have to nip the making out in the bud. Back then, Ruby had felt they hadn’t been together long enough for them to have sex. Especially since he would have been her first. Now, though, all things were possible.
Brennan certainly made her aware of all things possible when he returned the favor and kissed her neck as well. He didn’t stop there, thank goodness. He went lower, sliding his body against hers while he kissed her breasts through her top. Apparently, he also recalled that was a hot spot for her, and he chuckled when she made her own sound of pleasure.
Apparently, her moaning spurred him on, because he kept kissing. Kept touching. Kept building the heat higher, higher, higher.
She hadn’t thought it possible, but things started to move even faster. The battle started to get naked. Ruby won when she managed to get off his shirt and was able to get her hands on all those muscles. She didn’t have time, though, to savor her victory, because Brennan slid off her top and bra and then took his mouth back to her breasts.
Oh, mercy.
This was, indeed, her hot spot, and the pleasure shot through her. Ruby figured she probably would have lost her balance if Brennan hadn’t scooped her up into his arms.
Along with being incredibly hot, the man could multitask as well. He continued to kiss her as he carried her through the living room and into a hall. The kissing didn’t stop, either, when he laid her on a bed. In fact, it got even better because Brennan followed, landing on top of her.
Since their high school “making out” sessions hadn’t involved a bed, this was a sexual luxury of not having to navigate the seat of a truck. She could wrap her arms around him, feel the weight of him on her. And they could keep on kissing while they worked on the “getting naked” part.
Obviously, Brennan was better than she was at clothing removal. While he tormented her breasts with his mouth, he shimmied off her skirt. Then her panties. And he kissed his way down her body. Ruby got another slam of pleasure that caused the urgency to skyrocket.
“Take off your jeans,” she insisted.
Brennan complied, but again he went with the multitasking approach. He got up, continuing to tongue kiss her stomach while he tugged off his boots, jeans. And then his boxers.
More pleasure came just from looking at him, and she might have savored that view a couple of seconds if he hadn’t dropped back down on her. Naked skin to naked skin now. Added to that, he’d landed in just the right place so that his sex touched hers. The urgency became a scalding need, and she had to have him now.
“Condom,” he snarled when she lifted her hips to take him inside her.
Good grief. She hadn’t even considered safe sex. Not good. Especially since both of them had already dealt with unplanned pregnancies.
He reached across to the nightstand, fumbled around in the drawer and came out with a condom. Brennan kissed her while he put it on, and he kept kissing her while he pushed inside her.
All the years of wanting him. All that heat. All that need. Finally, they were together just as she’d always wanted.
Brennan clearly wanted this, too. Was also clearly good at making the heat and need soar even higher as he began the strokes inside her. Strokes that would, of course, sate this fierce need she had for him, but it would also make things end too soon.
Ruby hung on as long as she could, but she couldn’t stop her body from climaxing. The pleasure raced through her, and she anchored herself by clamping her arms around Brennan.Finally!she mentally repeated.
Moments later, Brennan got his own “finally” when he followed her over that edge.
FORYEARS, BRENNANHADfantasized about having sex with Ruby, and he could now say that the real deal had way exceeded any fantasy. Added to that, he’d gotten the bonus of shower sex along with having her stay the night in his bed.
Everything felt right when he opened his eyes and saw her lying next to him. She was naked, with the sheet only partially covering her from the waist down. All in all, a very pleasant sight to start his day.