Page 77 of That Touch

She gives me a look that tells me I can jump up my own ass, and I laugh.


“Now, why would a pretty young woman like yourself want to go on a date with an old man like me? I could be a serial killer.”

“I guess it would make for an interesting date then.”

She’s quick.


The type that if I had to bet, always gets what she wants.

“Fine. If you can last the entire time, I’ll go on a date with you.”

“And it’s eight seconds?” she asks.

I nod. “That’s the goal. Most people can’t last more than three.”

“Good thing I’m not most people,” she says in that breathy tone again as she steps forward, pausing an inch away from me. “I’ve ridden thingsmuchlonger than eight seconds.” She drags her teeth across her bottom lip and—fuck me—it sends a lightning bolt to my cock.

“We’ll see about that.” I turn, hoping my hardening dick isn’t visible in my jeans. I watch out of the corner of my eye as she tosses a long leg over the saddle and pulls herself up onto the bull.

Goddamn, I’d love to see her do that stark-ass naked.

“You ready?” I ask, trying to get my mind out from between her thighs.

“Wait! Toss me my hat,” she says. I reach down where she left it and walk it over to her. “I feel like I need to wave it in the air as I ride this bad boy. Get that full Colorado experience, ya know?”

I roll my eyes and walk back over to the controls, ready to flick the switch and put her in her place . . . on her back.

The bull starts slowly, but with a few quick bucks and twists, it’s running wild. A huge smile spreads across her face as she squeals. I glance at the stopwatch.

Four seconds already.

She rolls her body with the bull like a pro, even keeping a firm grip on her cowboy hat that she holds high over her head.

I look at the watch again. Six seconds.


I check the controls and she’s on the hardest setting. She whips forward then backward, falling to the side of the bull before landing on her back in a heap on the ground. Laughter erupts from her as she stumbles before standing up to run over to me.

“What’s the time?” she asks breathlessly, her ponytail falling haphazardly to one side.

We both look down at the watch where I’ve stopped it.

“Nine seconds!” she shouts before dancing in place. “Looks like you owe me a date.” She shoves her hands into the back pockets of her shorts as she looks up at me, her chest rising and falling rapidly with excitement. It’s just now that I’m noticing how much my 6’3” frame towers over her.

“Looks like I do,” I say, still in disbelief.

“I’ll come find you later to set it up.” She pulls the ponytail out, her hair falling in shiny waves down her shoulders, before putting her hat back on. She takes a step away before turning back to look at me over her shoulder. “Not too bad for alittle tourist,huh?” She winks before walking off.

I’m clenching my jaw tightly. I don’t know what just happened, but it’s been a long while since I’ve had that kind of visceral reaction to someone. I didn’t even get her name and I’m supposed to take her on a date.

I shrug it off. I live three hours from here and there’s no way in hell she’s even heard of my town or knows where it is. I’ll be long gone tonight and I’ll just be that mysterious cowboy who promised her a date then disappeared. A fun story for her girlfriends back home—wherever that is.

I try to focus the rest of the day, but it’s hard knowing she’s somewhere around here. Every once in a while, I catch myself glancing over my shoulder trying to find her.