But then, Lukas had always been in charge.

And he had always been gorgeous, with defined cheekbones, a strong jaw and deep-set gray-green eyes. But the angles and planes of his face were harder and sharper now.

The only thing soft about Lukas was his hair. It was still a memorable mixture of dark brown tipped with light, sun-streaked blond, though the blond wasn’t as evident these days since his hair was trimmed neatly, shorter than the shaggy mop she remembered. He was still tanned, though she suspected that owed less to days on the beach or on boats and more to the natural olive tones of his complexion.

He had reached the parking lot now and turned for the first time to glance back and make sure she was there. The sun caught the dark stubble on his jaw, giving it a hint of the same burnished gold highlights in his hair.

Trust Lukas to turn stubble into an art form.

Matt would have laughed if she’d told him that. Then he’d have admitted wryly that Lukas probably could.

“He’s the best-looking guy I know. Hands down,” Matt had always said. “All the girls want him.”

“Not all,” Holly had been quick to reply.

“Not you,” Matt had said wonderingly. He had always shaken his head at that, as if her choice amazed him.

But she had, deep down inside. She’d been as susceptible as all the other girls, even knowing Lukas as well as she did. The difference was she knew herself, as well. She knew, as a girl, that she could never handle a boy like Lukas. And so, while she had the occasional dream of domesticating the panther, she knew better than to try.

That was why his teasing got under her skin. It was like he knew she hankered after him and wanted to bait her at every turn. It was easier—not to mention smarter—to focus on the boy she trusted: Matt.

She should have remembered that the night Matt had deputized Lukas to take her to the prom in his place. If she had, she wouldn’t have succumbed to Lukas’s charm. She wouldn’t have relaxed in his presence. She wouldn’t have let him do what he had done.

Even now, a dozen years later, what Lukas had done that night—what she had allowed him to do—still mortified her. Her face still burned at the memory.

With a cooler head, she understood why he’d done it. He had railed at them about the stupidity of their engagement since Christmas. They were too young, they didn’t know their own minds, they might marry the wrong person, they might not be the right person for the other...

And that night he’d set about proving it—to prove to Matt that he never should have asked her to marry him, that she must not really love Matt because, if she did, how could she have been tempted by another man?

She had let Lukas touch her. In the heat of the moment, she had foolishly allowed him to run his hands over body, to evoke sensations that she’d never felt before. Color her stupid, all right, Holly thought, but those sensations had caught her unaware.

It wasn’t as if she hadn’t made love with Matt. Before Christmas when they had talked about marriage, about commitment, about being together forever, they had made love.

The first time had been intense, but hurried, and—for Holly at least—unfulfilling.

Matt, while he had known more about lovemaking than she had, hadn’t really understood the intricacies of how a woman’s body responded to arousal. His own had responded fast and furiously, while Holly had been left feeling vaguely dissatisfied, as if there were something missing, something she hadn’t experienced yet.

Something more.

Holly had never quite found that something more—until the night she’d gone to the sailboat with Lukas.

That night things had been different.

Lukas was different.

And when he’d kissed her, she hadn’t said no. She hadn’t pulled back. She’d been curious. Would it be different from kissing Matt? She had so little experience with other men, she wanted to know.

If Lukas had come on strong, she’d have had the good sense to pull away. But he had moved slowly, taken his time, actually made her eager with anticipation.

Get on with it, she’d thought. That was what a fool she’d been!

Until that night she hadn’t understood that slower was better, that every deliberate touch just heightened her awareness, her expectation.

With Lukas expectation became all. The feel of his lips on hers had made her heart beat faster, the stroke of his tongue on hers sent shivers of longing through her.

And his hands—dear God—his hands on her body had made her quiver in response, the slow journey of his fingers over her breasts, then up and down her legs setting off waves of responsive desire that she had only barely begun to experience with Matt.