Page 1 of All Her Feelings


Their eyes were exactly the same, Holly thought, as she watched her best friend Claire sit at her father’s side. Prince Erick’s eyes hadn’t been open long, though.

They had arrived in a rush from the Academy via portal. Without warning, Elder Vali had arrived to whisk Claire and her Triad to her father’s side. He had stirred this morning, and Vali was hoping that with Claire’s presence, he would stir again.

“Something happened a week ago,” Vali was telling Desmond. “It was like new life had been breathed into him.”

Claire bit her lip at Vali’s words. Although Desmond missed her expression, Holly saw it.

“Claire, what is it?” Holly asked softly, moving to stand behind Claire and place her hands on her shoulders.

Desmond whipped his head around, his blue eyes narrowed on his mate in concern. If it was a more appropriate situation, Holly would have needled her cousin about how far he had fallen for her quiet, kind best friend. But it wasn’t the time. She had already sent Bethany and Cody outside with Zack playing mediator because they wouldn’t stop arguing about trivial things. She might need to stage an intervention for Bethany soon. That is, if Bethany didn’t stage an intervention for Holly and her own mates first.

Holly studiously avoided looking at the corner of the room as she waited for Claire’s answer. Even though it had been a week, she still couldn’t believe she had found them—her mates. Twin Fae with the same icy eyes as Claire, and a lithe Elven warrior who called to her earth magic. Holly’s emotions were all twisted up inside of her. With the battle and everything else going on with Claire, Holly hadn’t had a chance to think. Her entire life she had been raised to find a good match, which, according to her papa, was another witch. Now she had not one, but three mates, and none of them were witches. She didn’t know what to think.

So instead, she avoided them. The best she could, at least. It seemed every time she turned the corner at the Academy the last few days, she was running into them. Her mates were all warriors, and Holly had a feeling she was about to become their next hunt. She couldn’t decide if the thought terrified her or excited her. From childhood, Holly had been used to fading into the background—to playing the supporting role but never the main character. The attention of her mates was unnerving, but there was a small part of her that longed for it, like a physical ache deep in her muscles no amount of salve would soothe.

“I might have sent a lot of magic into the Metallicum before the battle,” Claire blurted out, distracting Holly from her thoughts.

Holly hid a smile at Desmond’s barely audible groan. Her best friend had made a habit over the last year of accepting and sending magic into various objects and beings. And, although it drove Desmond a bit mad thinking about her safety, Claire’s magic hadn’t ever been wrong, so Holly trusted it.

Holly looked at the pillars of Fae Metallicum surrounding Prince Erick as the others processed Claire’s words. Fae Metallicum really was a marvel, worthy of the legends Holly had only heard whispers of before. It was a conductor of Energy. The same Metallicum that was keeping Prince Erick alive was also sucking Energy out of Roland and Vanya, the former Councilmembers housed in the dungeons just a few caves away from Prince Erick.

Not enough to kill the former corrupt Councilmembers, though. No, that was an “honor” that was being highly contested for right now in the Realm. Multiple races had scores to settle with the former Councilmembers and their supporters at the Capital’s dungeons. But with Claire not being at full health after the battle, it was a discussion that had been put on pause.

The room stilled as Prince Erick shifted on the stone platform before them. Claire held her breath under Holly’s hands, and Holly stepped aside so Claire’s Triad could surround her as Prince Erick blinked open his eyes.

Holly stepped back into a hard chest, then jolted forward, an apology falling from her lips as she turned to see who she had run into. Gentle hands steadied her elbows. Kieran gave her a half grin but didn’t move backward. Holly took a small step forward, ignoring the tingles from where he had touched her. She needed to focus on Claire now.

Prince Erick’s eyes were open but unfocused as he scanned the room. His eyes landed on Claire, and he sucked in a breath that echoed in the silent cavern. “Winona?”

“No, Fath—” Claire’s smile was watery. “It’s Claire.”

“Claire,” Prince Erick whispered as his eyes fell shut again, like the effort to speak was too much.

Claire’s face fell as her father’s eyes shut, and Malcolm pulled her onto his lap when it was clear Prince Erick had fallen back asleep.

The sharp bite of grief battered at Holly’s walls. Although her body might not like her later, Holly lowered the walls that kept her Empath magic at bay. The grief that swirled around Claire sliced her like a knife, and Holly sucked in a sharp breath that had Kieran looking down at her with concern. She kept her eyes straight ahead as she took in as much grief as she could manage before her world spun before her eyes, then shut them with a slow exhale, fighting off the nausea that came every time she drew emotions into her.

When her head stopped spinning, she opened her eyes and relaxed slightly when she saw Claire’s face was no longer streaked with tears. This was why she risked the physical pain every time. Her papa had always told her she had the power to make people feel better. It was an important role to play, and Holly was one of the few in the Realm who had the ability to play it. For her friends, it was one she would play every time.

While Holly had been distracted, Claire stood up from Malcolm’s lap and seemed to look around before her sightless eyes landed on Holly. Holly had a hunch Claire’s magic was intuitively guiding her. That, and Puck was still perched on Everett’s shoulder, likely lending his vision.

Claire inclined her head toward the entrance, and Holly left Kieran’s side to join Claire.

“I know I just got done saying we would stay at the Academy, but…” Claire looked back at her father, rubbing her arms with her hands.

“Of course.” Holly read between the lines and gently squeezed Claire’s arms. “You need to be here. Stay. I’ve got this.”

Claire nodded and bit her lip, looking away. Holly was patient, though, waiting her out.

“You know, although I appreciate the help, you also don’t need to take on the world for me, or anyone, really, especially if it hurts you.” Claire was silently referencing when Holly had taken her grief. “You’re allowed to focus on yourself and what makes you happy.” Claire inclined her head toward Holly’s mates.

Even blind, her best friend could see so well.

Holly didn’t know what to say to that, so she just squeezed Claire’s hand. “I don’t mind doing it,” she replied honestly.

She had spent her entire life doing it for her family, for her friends. It was where Holly could be most helpful. And it made her happy to do it for others—to make their lives a little easier, their burdens a little less. Her mama, while she hadn’t had Empath magic, played the role for her papa, being his anchor. Her papa often said the supporting roles were the most powerful but the most hidden.