Page 65 of Beast in my Bedroom

Dimitra doesn’t deserve that. None of these people do.

But I can’t stop this now. I’m swept up in Evander’s wake, moved along in the river of his will.

“Now, go get married.” She releases me, still not smiling, like the weight of her life continues to hold her down.

“This way,” Evander says, steering me with him, and I catch a look flit between him and his mother. It’s a short look, only a fleeting moment, but I see pain and gratitude and love in his eyes.

“I wish I had a speech prepared, but I’ve got nothing.” Gareth gestures and I pick up a pen. “Sign here, here, and here. This last document is your divorce settlement.”

“Oh,” I say, blinking rapidly. “Right. Of course.” I knew I’d have to make my separation official, but it’s strange for it to happen on the same day that I get married to someone else.

Everyone’s staring at me, but there’s no reason to delay. I sign where Gareth indicates, and when I’m done, Evander attacks his own signature with a frenzy.

“That’s it,” Gareth says, smiling awkwardly. “A little anticlimactic, but—” He shrugs then starts gathering up the paper but stops midway through. “Oh, I almost forget.” He reaches into his pocket and takes out two rings, both of them platinum to match my engagement band. “Evander had these made as a little wedding present.”

Evander takes the rings. He slides mine down onto my finger. “With this ring, you are my wife,” he says softly, voice thick and laced with emotion. “You aremine.”

“And you’re mine.” I put his ring on and we hold hands staring into each other’s eyes.

My husband, Evander Kazan.

“Congrats!” Helen shouts then she’s hugging us. I’m laughing with her, and even Evander’s grinning as Gareth hands out drinks. Dimitra disappears, but it doesn’t feel like a snub this time, more that she doesn’t feel comfortable with the celebration part of the evening.

I hope I can change that one day.

I hope I get the chance, and if I don’t, I hope it doesn’t hurt her more when I go my own way.

For now, I’ll enjoy this moment, my first moment as Camille Kazan, wife of crime lord Evander Kazan, the strangest moment of my life.



“To marriage.” Evander raises his glass and I raise mine.

“To the Kazan family,” I say with a smile.

He seems conflicted about that toast but nods and drinks. I sip my wine, eyeing him cautiously. Lycus, Helen, and Gareth left ten minutes ago, and now I’m alone in our room with Evander. He’s sitting close, our thighs touching, the fireplace crackling with a low flame. I can feel the tension in his body.

“Can I ask you something?” I glance at him, feeling nervous.

He nods. “It’s our wedding night. You can ask me anything.”

“Why did you mother say she didn’t think you’d ever get married?”

His smile is soft. “She worries too much, but in this case, I can’t blame her. I was never interested in marriage until I met you.”

“Are you worried our arrangement will—you know, hurt your mother?”

He nods slowly. “I’ve thought about that. Although my mother puts on the facade of a grieving widow, she’s a Kazan to her core. She understands these things can be necessary. Besides, even if our marriage is fake, she’ll be happy that I took the plunge.”

My stomach does flips. I’m confused, tired, and the thought of hurting his mother weighs on me.

“But you’re notreallyinterested in marriage still, right?” I ask him. “I mean, this is all about keeping me safe?”

His smile fades. “For all the good it’s done.”

“That wasn’t your fault. You saved me. If you hadn’t shown up—”