Page 60 of Beast in my Bedroom

“Taking you back to where you belong,” the thug says. “Back to your fucking eye-talian husband. We’ll deal with Kazan ourselves, bitch.”

“No,” I say, feeling sluggish. I try to hit him, but the thug slams me against the car. Christopher’s watching, impassive, like he’s staring at a movie. “I won’t go. I don’t want to go.”

“Stop struggling,” the thug snaps and yanks open the door. “Get the fuck inside.”

I feel myself being pushed and pulled, and if I end up inside this car then I’m finished, Christopher will have me. I struggle with everything I have, thrashing and screaming. I bite the thug’s wrist and he hollers like an injured cat, rearing back. I ram my shoulder into his chest, staggering him, and we both fall to the pavement in a heap.

“You fucking whore,” he shouts. I try to crawl away, but he grabs my ankle and drags me back as my fingertips dig into the concrete, meaningless groans leaking from my mouth.

I’m going to die right now.

The thug points a gun at my face and he looks like he wants to use it.

I’m going to die, and there’s nothing I can do it stop it. I open my mouth and raise my hands, but what can I say? The thug stares hate at me, hate and loathing. He despises me for no reason at all. There’s nothing rational in those eyes. Nothing that will respond to my pleading.

Another car pulls up. The thug looks up and his face pales. “Oh, fucking shit,” he says, backing away.

Tires scream and the doors open.

I blink rapidly as Evander runs over, and the thug tries to raise his gun, but Evander knocks his hand aside and punches him hard in the face. The thug goes down and Evander’s on him, kneeing him in the side, wrenching the weapon from his hand.

Christopher peels out, his car fishtailing as he speeds away.

“Camille,” Evander growls as Lycus holds down the thug, a gun pressed to the big guy’s face, and more soldiers pour out from the diner. They gather around looking shocked as Evander pulls me into his arms. “Camille, how bad are you hurt?”

“I’m okay,” I say, staring into his face. “I’m okay.” Fat tears roll down my cheeks, mingling with the blood from my scalp.



She looks so small in that enormous bed as Dr. Kalivas checks her over. The Greek doctor is an old friend of the Kazan family, but I can’t stop myself from hovering closely, making sure Camille is completely safe.

“She’ll be okay,” the old doctor says and gives me a tired smile. “All she needs is rest.”

“Are you sure? There’s no head injury? No concussion?”

“No, nothing like that, only minor lacerations. She’ll bruise, but I’ve patched the minor cuts. She’ll be okay.”

Relief floods me. “Thank you, doctor.”

He nods and leaves the room. Lycus will pay him on the way out.

For now, I have eyes only for Camille.

She smiles at me, sitting up straight in bed, her hands folded in her lap. “I’ll be honest, I thought the wedding certificate signing would be the most eventful part of today.”

I laugh softly then sit on the edge of the bed. I put my hand on her leg as I stare into her eyes, my stomach a churning mess of desire and anxiety. “The doctor says you’re okay.”

“He’s right, Evander, I’m fine.” Her smile is controlled. There’s something behind that expression, something she’s hiding. “You don’t need to worry.”

“I am worried, asteraki mu.” My fingers dig into her flesh as my jaw tightens. “My own men tried to hurt you.”

“You didn’t know. You couldn’t have seen that would happen.”

“But I did,” I say through my teeth, barely restraining the rage that coils in my heart. “There’s a reason I wanted to marry you as soon as possible. While you’re not my wife, my enemies might see you as fair game. Today proved my point.”

“Will it stop though? Once we’ve signed some papers?”