Page 31 of Beast in my Bedroom

“And what the fuck do you know about it, you slimy Greek fuck?” Conti’s grin is vicious and dangerous. I already sense this situation getting out of control, and a part of me welcomes the violence.

I want to hurt this man.

I want to hurt him so badly it’s like a disease in my blood, begging to be released. I want to bruise him the way he bruised Camille; break his bones the way he broke her; degrade and embarrass him the same way he degraded and embarrassed her.

I want to rain hell down on this pathetic little fuck.

“I’ll give you one chance to think about your tone,” I say and keep my eyes on him. “We can do this the simple way. Or—”

“Fuck you,” Conti says through his teeth. “Get out of my way and let me have my useless bitch wife.”

My ears start to ring. Rage rushes into my limbs, cold and dangerous. “She is not yours anymore. Be reasonable.”

“Did you fuck her too, Kazan? Did you taste my dick when you went down on her? You loser Greek fuck. That’smywife,mywoman, and you won’t—”

I cock my fist back and slam it into Conti’s face, cracking his jaw, and knocking him back into the house.



Camille screams as Conti hits the floor with a grunt.

My gun’s in my hand before I can think about it. I hold it aimed at his face, my finger on the trigger, and one wrong move will end this wretched bastard’s life.

I want to do it. I can already feel the pleasure of watching this abusive shitstain’s blood spread across his hardwood floor. I came here in good faith and tried to do this without violence, but this man doesn’t seem interested in saving his own life.

“Evander,” Camille says and her hand is on my arm. “Evander,please. There are people around.”

I blink rapidly, blood rushing through my ears, and come back to myself. Rage threatens to push me into something I’ll regret. Slowly, I lower the weapon as Conti scuttles backwards and climbs to his feet, bleeding from a split lip.

Pedestrians walk past, some staring curiously. An old lady with a little white dog, a young couple in jeans and denim jackets, a couple of guys that look like they’re on the way to the gym.

Nobody’s staring, not yet, but they will the second I pull the trigger, and the city’s hot enough already without a murder charge on my hands.

“You just fucked up, Kazan,” Conti snarls. “Things were bad between our families, but this is going to turn our little conflict into a full-on fucking firestorm. I am going to murder your people one at a time until they turn on you and cut your throat. I promise when you’re in the ground, I’ll take my wife back, and I’ll piss on your grave.”

I look from Conti to Camille and back again, doing the calculus in my mind.

If I kill him like I want to, things will be bad. There are too many witnesses, but more than that, it’ll set off a chain of events that I don’t know I can control. I’m at war with his family, but so far, the violence has been kept to a minimum. Both organizations want to avoid the wholesale slaughter that accompanies an all-out conflict.

Putting a bullet in Conti’s head will light the match and set everything in motion.

And I don’t know if I can keep my family together.

“Last warning,” I say as I back down the stoop and shove the gun away. “If you come near her, I will pull the trigger next time.”

Conti laughs as he glares at me. “You should’ve done it, Kazan,” he says with a sneer. “You think you’re avoiding an all-out war, but I’m going to make sure my family comes for you.”

My head’s spinning.

Decisions and ideas mix and click together as a plan forms in the back of my skull.

It’s crazy, and it’s going to make my life even worse, but isn’t that what Camille does? She takes all my problems and makes them balloon out of control until I’m on the edge of breaking apart.

But what Lycus said earlier needles at me, and what Conti’s saying now jabs into my guts, and I know there’s only one way I can keep on protecting Camille now that I know the truth about her.

Nobody in my family would ever let me sacrifice good Greek lives for some random Italian girl.