Page 14 of Beast in my Bedroom

The wad of cash I left for her is clutched in her right hand, unrolled and flopping as she waves it up and down.

She shakes it at me like she’s brandishing a pitchfork.

“You fucking son of a bitch,” she says through her teeth. “You absolute low-life piece of shit. I amnota goddamnwhore!”

She throws the money at me, the bills fluttering in the air, some of them falling down to rest on the heads of the union bosses.



Ah, crap. As soon as the money leaves my hand, I know I went too far.

When I woke up, I felt like heaven. For the first time in a very long time, I felt calm and happy and relaxed, with a pleasant ache between my legs. Yes, Evander was gone, but so what? I figured he’d cut and run and I knew he had an early meeting anyway.

I took a shower, gathered my things, and that was when I saw the cash.

Just sitting there on the nightstand, waiting for me.

No note, no comment. Nothing but money.

Like I was some hooker and he was paying me off.

Rage filled my chest. Rage unlike anything I’d ever felt before. Shame and disgust came next. I’d never, ever done something like that night before, and I was stupid enough to behappyabout sleeping with a total stranger and doing some depraved and, frankly, really hot sex stuff with him, stuff I’d never, ever considered, not even during the heady early days with Christopher.

Only to find cash on the nightstand.

Like I was Evander’s whore.

Shame hit me so hard I nearly threw up. I wanted to rip my eyes out and turn back time so I could slap some sense into myself.

What the hell was I thinking? Why did I ever imagine a guy like Evander could possibly want to do something nice for me? That whole thing was a sick game, and he leftmoneyin the end.

At least I wasn’t cheap.

I never should’ve believed him. I know better than to get involved with flashy men that say all the right things, but I did it anyway.

And now I regret it.

I also regret throwing what looks like a few thousand dollars of cash at a bunch of strangers, but oh, well.

“Camille,” Evander says, his tone totally calm. The men sitting at his table look bewildered. The guy in the middle plucks a fifty from his head and blinks like he’s never seen anything like it before. His red face somehow gets redder. “Turn around and walk away.”

I consider my options. I’ve clearly just blown this meeting for him, and a part of me feels guilty—I don’t know how important this was, but I got the feeling it was a pretty big deal based on the few vague comments he made the night before.

But the other part of me basks in his embarrassment. I want to humiliate him the way he humiliated me when he left that money.

“Apologize,” I say and jab a finger at him. “Apologize right now, Evander Kazan, or I swear—”

“You’ll what?” He comes around the table and looms over me. “Throw another gift in my face? Spit on my generosity one more time?” He turns his back on me and I reel away like he whipped a hand across my face. “Gentlemen, I apologize for this display. I will deal with her and come back. Lycus, please take over.”

“Yeah, okay, Evander.” Lycus, the dark Greek-looking guy, grins at us like he’s having the best time in the world.

Evander turns back and grabs me by the arm. I try to pull away, but his grip is like iron. His voice drops to a deadly whisper as he says, “Come with me right now, or I swear I will break both your knees right here and now, just to prove I can.”

I swallow, meet his eyes, and believe him.

I really shouldn’t have thrown that money.