Page 71 of Beast in my Bedroom

“I am the rightful lord of this family,” I snarl at him. “I took that right by conquest. What better reason could there be?”

Zale shakes his head slowly. “The day we accept blood as payment for power is the day we descend into anarchy.”

“Strength is all that matters.” I loom over the dying old man like a thundercloud. “Tell me why you betrayed your lord.”

“You’re marrying an Italian girl. The ex-wife of our enemy. I wanted to stop you before you made the biggest mistake of your life, Evander. But I can see that it’s too late.” He sighs, shaking his head. “If it helps at all, I never meant to hurt her. I only ordered Hector to hand her back to the Italians, so she can return to where she belongs.”

“That was not your choice to make.” I stare at the man for a long moment.

How many more think like he does? How many more captains are willing to throw away their lives in some meaningless quest to keep me from marrying an Italian? But it’s too late now—the paperwork is signed, and as far as everyone knows, it’s official.

Camille is my wife. She ismine, and I will not be questioned by my inferiors.

“I only hope that you put the family first,” Zale says with real emotion in his voice. “Always put it first, Evander, no matter what.”

“Last words,” I say and hold my hand out. Lycus passes me the gun. I will do this myself.

“I loved my family. I loved my lord. I did what I did for Kazan strength, and I will go to my death knowing I never betrayed you.”

I pull the trigger. Zale’s head cracks apart, and the old man slumps to the floor, his blood running toward the drain.

The other two men stare at their captain’s corpse. His second-in-command, Giovanni, and his best soldier, Alonzo. They’re beaten within an inch of their lives, and a sad resignation falls over the pair.

They know why they’re here.

“Giovanni,” I say. “Final words.”

“Kazan family forever, even in death.”

I nod at the worthy idea and blow his skull to bits.

Leaving Alonzo alone. He’s young, early twenties, with a shock of thick, dark hair, and a skinny face. I crouch down and tilt his chin up with the warm gun barrel, splattered with the blood of his comrades. “What about you then, huh? Did you know about your captain’s plan?”

“No, Lord,” he whispers. “I didn’t. My life for the Kazan.”

I nod slowly. “Gather the remainder of your crew. You will lead them to my house, and the lot of you will swear new oaths to me. Any who refuse, you will kill them yourself. Do you understand?”

New hope blossoms in his eyes. New hope and new loyalty. “Yes, Lord. I understand.”

“Good.” I stand and turn my back on him. “Stay here and think about what happened to your captain and his second. Think hard on what it means to be Kazan.”



Isuck at the last of the whiskey. Exhaustion weighs me down as the sun rises outside of my office window. Birds sing in a nearby tree. I keep hearing the gunshots, the many gunshots from the night before as I went through my family and purged all of the traitors.

So many dead. So many wasted lives.

It would be easy to blame Camille, but she was only the catalyst, and a weak catalyst at that. This unrest had been simmering for some time now, and she was simply the most convenient excuse.

I’ll have to find a new captain to take over for Zale. I suspect Alonzo will be a good choice—I spared his life, and he’s intensely aware that he owes me his continued existence. I need strong men, loyal men, in positions of power.

I smell like alcohol and blood. I need to shower for an eternity to wash away the sins I’ve committed, but there’s no cleansing me.

There’s a knock at the door. “Come,” I say wearily.

It opens a crack and Camille steps inside. She’s wearing her work outfit, the diner’s uniform, with her usual vintage sneakers and a hard glare in her eyes. I note the lack of rings and rub my finger where mine should be.