Page 61 of Beast in my Bedroom

I slowly nod. “It will because I am going to root out the traitors and kill them.”

Her eyes widen. “Evander—”

“I don’t want to hear any softness. There will be no mercy for anyone that touched you.”

“You already have the guy that did it.”

“Hector.” I spit the name like sour milk. “He will suffer, I promise you that.”

“Evander.” She leans forward and puts a hand on my cheek. I stare into her eyes, willing her to understand how important this is. I told her I’d keep her safe, but I already broke that promise. If I can’t get revenge for my own woman, my fiancée, my wife, how the fuck can I be trusted to manage the entire Kazan crime syndicate?

“There’s too much at stake now, asteraki mu. I made my decision when I brought you into my life. I will not tolerate dissent in my own ranks. I cannot afford weakness.”

“Do what you have to do.” She chews her lip, looking uncomfortable. “But don’t do it for me. I don’t want any blood on my hands.”

“There’s no blood on you. Only on me. Always on me.”

Her hand slips away as she leans back against the headboard. “I saw Christopher. In the car that got away.”

I let out a rough grunt. “Why did you wait to tell me?”

“You didn’t exactly give me a chance to tell you my side of the story. One second, I’m almost getting killed, and the next you’re barking orders and dragging me back to the house.”

“Why was he there?”

“The guy—Hector—he said he wanted to send me back where I belong. I think he was giving me back to Christopher.”

The implication makes my blood boil. My own soldier was working against our family, directly helping an enemy Capo, all under my own fucking nose.

I have to stand and pace away to keep myself from lashing out in anger. Camille watches me the whole time, saying nothing, until I face her.

“I hate that I have to ask this of you, but please, asteraki mu, clean yourself up the best you can and get dressed. We have paperwork to sign.”

She takes a slow breath. “Are you sure?”

“How can you ask that of me now, of all times? Yes, I am very sure.”

“It’s only going to get worse.” She looks down at her lap. “I don’t want to be a burden on you, Evander. You’ve done so much already. Maybe it’s time—”

I stalk over to her and sit back by her side. I take her hands in mine then stare into her eyes, holding her gaze sharply, not letting it go.

“You are mine now,” I say quietly. “I swore I’d protect you and I will. But now it’s about more than you and me. It’s about control of my family, and blood, and loyalty. Besides, if you walk away now, Conti will find you one way or another. You know that as well as I do.”

“I know.” She blinks rapidly. I reach forward to brush a tear from her cheek. “I just never imagined I’d nearly get kidnapped on my wedding day.”

“You’re here now and you’re safe.” I lean forward to kiss her cheek. I taste her salty tears on my lips, and I make a promise to myself in this moment: I will never let someone touch Camille again.

She is mine now.

Even if we can’t file the paperwork, I will not let a technicality get in the way of what I want.

Camille will be safe. She will be taken care of.

Nobody will hurt her, never, not ever, for the rest of my life.

I stand and move away from the bed. She watches, smiling despite her sadness. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

“I’ll be back soon,” I say from the doorway. “I have several of my most loyal soldiers watching your room. You will be safe, I promise.”