Page 40 of Beast in my Bedroom

“I’m saying I have to be careful.” His head tilts. “Show me the phone. Prove you’re not being shady and only your normal stubborn self. I am not the type of man that shares willingly.”

I want to scream at him. I want to claw out his eyes. Hesawthe way things were with Christopher. He heard the way my ex-husband spoke to me. He met me at the lowest point of my life, totally out of the blue, by pure happenstance—and the bastard wants tosee my phone?

“You want it?” I ask, showing my teeth. “Okay. Here you go.”

I turn and throw the phone as hard as I can off the balcony. It spins and spins in the air—

And drops into the pool.

Evander stands, staring down at the water. I follow his gaze, and slowly, I realize my mistake.

“Well,” he says. “That takes care of that.” He walks away.

“Wait,” I say, feeling desperate. “Hold on. I need to fish that out. My phone—”

“I’ll get you a replacement, asteraki mu. In fact, I’ll have all your things brought over from your apartment.” His smirk is infuriating, but I can only stand there and look down at my very stupid decision, at my last lifeline to the real world, sitting at the bottom of the deep end.



“You get one night to acclimate,” Evander says before we go to bed. “One night, asteraki mu, and then we are sleeping in my bed together, like husband and wife.”

“Enjoy the couch.” I slam the door in his face and crawl under the covers, curling up like a tiny ball, lost in the middle of the mattress.

I don’t sleep very much. At first, I toss and turn, thinking about Evander outside the door sleeping in the sitting area. That asshole accused me of being aspy—me, of all people, a woman that hates the Pavone Famiglia more than anyone else in the world. What’s he thinking? He can’t really believe I’ve been lying to him this whole time.

And yet can I blame him for being paranoid? We’re strangers and he’s doing a lot to help me, and he’s trying to come to grips with our situation as much as I am. Still, it doesn’t matter, I’d never in my lifespyfor my ex-husband, let alone for his stupid mafia family, and it drives me insane that the idea would even occur to Evander.

Does he really think I’m the type of woman to have sex with him just so I can sneak into his life?

I keep thinking about him out there in the living room. Is he angry that he’s sacrificing his comfort for mine? Does he want to kick down that door and charge inside, pin me down, kiss my lips and take me?

Could I punch him in the throat?

I keep picturing what it would be like to have that massive bear of a man sleeping beside me, but it’s impossible.

He’s like a giant. A grumbling, grumpy giant. His suits are expensive and his house screams wealth, but deep in his heart, I think Evander’s too angry to appreciate anything. Any smile, any laughter, any hint at something light and gentle past that rough exterior gets extinguished immediately, as if it’s not there at all, and I don’t know if I’m projecting what I want to see in him or if I’m really catching glimpses of the man hidden behind the image of the mafia don.

Or the Greek mob lord. Whatever he’s called.

He’s too hard to put own his shields long enough to see me for what I really am.

Scared and alone.

The total opposite of a freakingspy.

In the morning, I roll out of bed and shower. When I come back out, I find clothes laid out on the bed already: a pair of dark jeans and a cream top, the sort of thing a rich woman would wear out to brunch. I grind my jaw and shove the clothes away, and try not to think about the very black, very lacy underwear that was left out along with it, and storm into the closet.

Some of the things I had bought for myself back in my apartment are hanging on the right side. There’s not much, but someone brought over a few shirts, a couple pairs of jeans, some shoes—

My heart starts to race as I dig through my stuff. “Where are they?” I whisper and turn to Evander’s side. I shuffle through his suits, crawling on my hands and knees, wearing nothing but a towel, on the edge of panic. My anger over last night and the whole spying ordeal is suddenly gone. “Where thefuckare they?”

“Where are what?”

I screech and fall back on my ass, the towel dropping off from my body, leaving me naked and still slightly damp.

Evander stands in the closet’s doorway, staring at me with wide eyes. For a beat, I sit there completely naked, utterly mortified, before I finally grab the towel and wrap it around myself. “Get the fuck out of here, you asshole!” I shout at him, and Evander’s eyes sparkle with amusement and something else.