Page 39 of Beast in my Bedroom

“Like what?” I press and some part of me doesn’t want her to say it.

“Like a coup. You know.” She clears her throat. “And it was violent. But, hey, I don’t think it’s always like that, okay? Mostly the family’s boring. They run their businesses and do their stupid little crimes and eat too much food. They think they’re cool, but they’re honestly living in another century.”

“Right,” I say, suddenly feeling very exposed and dizzy. I have to grip the balcony to steady myself.

Evander took over his family in a violent coup. He didn’t mention that part of his ascension to power.

Suddenly, being here in his room takes on a much different tenor, and I wonder who exactly I’ve gotten myself mixed up with.

He has enemies, including in his own house, and now I think I understand why.

“Otherwise, I hear he’s pretty fair. You know, tough but fair. My dad likes him, even if he doesn’t like the way stuff went down back when Evander took power.” She laughs lightly like she’s discussing a hilarious TV show. “They say he’s a workaholic with no personal life. Or, well, that’s what my dad says. And that’s pretty much everything I know. Sorry it’s not more, but hey, you’re in a much better position to get to know the man than I am, right?”

“Totally,” I say, squeezing my eyes closed.

“Hey, you okay? I didn’t freak you out, did I?”

“No, it’s not that, I’m happy you told me. It’s just—” I pause for a second, feeling lightheaded. “I’m at his house right now.”

She’s silent for a long moment. Then she bursts out laughing. “God damn it, Camille, you’re calling me from the freaking Kazan family mansion? That place is like mythical in Chicago, and you’re literally inside of it right now? Seriously, girl, strong psycho energy, and I’m into it.”

“Thanks, Phel, you’re such a sweetheart,” I say miserably. “I’m glad I’m amusing.”

She cackles with delight. “You’d better go before they catch you talking to me. I want to hear details tomorrow. Seriously,details. Not about you and Evander, god, no, I saw enough of that already, but about the house.”

“I know what you meant. Thanks for talking to me.”

“Good luck!”

And she hangs up. I stare at the phone, trying to come to grips with my situation. Stuck in a mansion with a violent mobster. About to get married to him for my own safety.

Trapped in another relationship.

At least this time, I can walk away whenever I choose. According to Evander anyway.

“Who was that?”

I jump and nearly fall over the banister. Evander’s at my side, faster than I would’ve guessed, his hands on my hips making sure I don’t tumble down to my death.

“Fucking dog-shit-eating hell,Evander,” I hiss and shove him back. “You scared me half to death.”

He shakes his head, grinning. “Where do you come up with this stuff?”

I glare at him. “I wasn’t talking to anyone, okay?”

His smile fades. “That’s the wrong answer.” He holds out a hand. “Phone.”

“Excuse me?”

“Phone.” He says it impatiently. “You’re the ex-wife of an Italian gangster. I need to be absolutely sure I’m not making a mistake.”

My jaw drops.

This man can’t be serious right now.

Rage flares, hot and bright.

“Are you accusing me of being aspy?”