Page 119 of Beast in my Bedroom

“You just can’t handle her teasing, brother dearest,” Helen says and winks at me. “I like Phel. She’s welcome whenever. Don’t let grumpy-fuck keep her away.”

“Grumpy-face?” he grunts at her.

“I like that,” I say, batting my eyes at him. “My big grumpy-fuck.”

“It does suit you, dear,” Dimitra says.

“God damn it.” Evander takes a long sip of whiskey as I laugh with his sister and his mother.

We spend the meal swapping stories. Mostly small talk, mostly nothing special. We do this once a week at least, every Sunday, though I eat meals with Helen and Evander most nights. Lycus shows up occasionally, and so does Dimitra, but we make sure to have everyone together on Sundays. Even though Lycus technically isn’t part of the Kazan family, he’s a steady presence, and Helen seems to enjoy having him around. If at least so she can eat off his plate and make fun of him.

“Seriously, Helen, fork to your damn self,” he grumbles at her.

“What? You’re barely eating, you skinny asshole. Give me that.”

“I swear, I’ll stab your fingers.”

“Try it. Go ahead.” She grins at him and snatches a piece of broccoli.

Lycus sighs and scrapes a hand through his hair.

I sit back and watch my friends and family. Dimitra smiles at Evander, and he smiles back. There’s a fondness between them now, a softness that wasn’t here when I first came to the house. Things have been so calm without Sophia and Anissa, and though I know Dimitra misses her sister, she’s been thriving ever since they were banished. I haven’t heard anything about them, and I haven’t asked. Some part of me is smart enough to leave some things a mystery.

“Everyone, a toast,” Dimitra says, raising her glass. “To the Kazan family. To Evander, the lord, and his wife. To Helen, my loving daughter, and Evander’s loyal friend, Lycus.”

“And to you, mother,” Evander says.

We cheers and drink as dessert comes out.

When the plates are cleared and I kiss Dimitra on the cheek, I take Evander’s hand and he leads me out. I can hear Helen sniping at Lycus, and Lycus getting increasingly annoyed. “They’re going to kill each other,” I comment.

“My sister is relentless,” Evander agrees.

“But then again, Lycus seems to enjoy it.”

“I don’t know about that.” His expression darkens. “Lycus is like family, but I’m not happy about your insinuating.”

“Oh, come on, Evander. Lycus and your sister? Wouldn’t that be the dream?”

“No,” he says firmly, sharper than I expected. It surprises me, the sudden anger. “There are things about Lycus. About both of them. It’s a bad match.”

“Huh,” I say softly and touch his arm. “You’re letting it get to you too much.”

Months ago, he would’ve pulled back. He would’ve growled something sharp at me and stormed off.

Instead, he looks into my eyes and makes himself relax. “You’re right. I just don’t like it.”

I slip my hand into his. “How about we talk about something youwilllike instead?”

That gets his attention. We reach our door and step into our sitting room. I cross over to the couch and lounge back, grinning at him as I prop my head up on one hand.

He lingers, staring at me, arms crossed.

“Is this the part where you tell me about your blowjob mood?”

“What? Oh, no, I’m over that.” I wave him away and love the disappointed sigh that escapes him. “I have something even better.”

That brings him back. “Even better? Now I’m intrigued.”