Page 118 of Beast in my Bedroom

He purrs as he digs his fingers into my ass.

“Hello, wife. Nice shoes,” he says, grinning. “Have I told you lately how much I love that uniform? I swear, it’s getting shorter.”

“I might’ve had it hemmed,” I say innocently, which isn’t true, but it’s funny. I’m also wearing a new pair of sneakers he bought me recently too, one of a growing collection. I’m going to need my own shoe room soon enough. “How’s work been?”

“Quiet,” he says. “The way I like it.”

“Lovely. Let’s get going before you start seriously fondling me in this alley.”

“What, a man can’t grab his wife’s ass in public these days?”

“It smells like garbage.”

“And your point? I’d gladly fuck you here and now.”

“I know that,” I say, kissing his jaw. “That’s what I love about you, big old horndog.”

“Not my fault that damn uniform is sinful. I swear, Demetrios knows what he’s doing.”

I swat at his chest. “He makes his daughter wear it, you goon. It’s just traditional.”

He laughs and leads me to the car. The doors pop open and I climb inside. I catch him wave to a worried-looking Alonzo, who visibly relaxes once it’s clear Evander isn’t angry.

My husband gets behind the wheel. “Ready?”

“Take me home.” I lean my head back, smiling as he pulls into traffic. “I have something to tell you. Something I think you’ll like.”

“Oh, really? Tell me now then.”

“No, sorry. You have to wait until after we eat with your mother.”

His eyebrows raise. “Then why tease me, asteraki mu?”

“I want you suitably excited, but if I tell you now, you’re going to make me skip dinner.”

“Let me guess. New lingerie? Oh, you’re in a blowjob mood, aren’t you?”

“No and yes, actually, but that’s not it.”

He gives me a low chuckle. “All right then, wife. I’ll wait patiently.”

“Good boy.” I pat his thigh happily.



Dimitra leans forward across the table, smiling happily. Helen, Lycus, and Evander are all listening too. “He saidwhat?” Dimitra asks.

“Seriously, Old Harry said he was open for business. You should’veseenOphelia’s face. She called him an old pervert and everyone went nuts. Those geezers made such a ruckus, it was hilarious.” I beam at my mother-in-law as she covers her mouth and laughs.

She’s still in all black, but these days there are splashes of color, like she’s beginning to thaw from a long freeze. Tonight, a pink scarf is wrapped around her neck.

When I first met Dimitra, Ineverwould’ve told her a dirty story like what happened back at the diner. But the more I’ve gotten to know her, the more I realize she appreciates humor, even the dirty kind.

“I like that girl,” Dimitra says. “She needs to come around more often.”

“Please, Mother, don’t encourage her,” Evander says with a sigh. “I think Phel is going to drive me insane.”