“The guy I’ve been seeing? He’s such a great guy.”
“Can you see a future with him?”
“For the first time in a while, I think that answer might be yes.”
“Yes. It’s scary and exciting at the same time."
I nod, taking another sip of my drink. "I'm happy for you too, Yoshimi. And I know Kevin will be okay. He's a smart kid, and I'm confident he'll continue to do well. And of course we’ll visit. You guys are family to me.”
I knock on wood, because I still have to make sure Amelia is totally, one hundred percent down for this.
I mean I think she is. But maybe she’s not. Maybe I’m just a rebound for her.Women.
But the way we feel when we’re together, I know shehasto feel that, too.
“Wait a sec. Did you just say…come visit?” I ask.
“I mean you’ll move to the U.S., right?” Yoshimi gives my arm a reassuring squeeze. "We'll always be here for you, Jack. And I'm sure this girl will be worth it. Just make sure you're both on the same page and take things slow. You don't want to rush into anything without really thinking it through."
I nod, grateful for her wisdom. "Thanks, Yoshimi. I'll try to be more mindful of that. And thanks for being such a great friend. You always know how to put things in perspective."
“Hey, what are all these years for if not for wisdom?”
“Some people get older but not wiser, though.”
“True,” she agrees.
We watch as Kevin makes a big gesture with his arms, telling some sort of story. Clearly his confidence has increased since he learned a couple new surf moves.
Yoshimi is jumping to the logical conclusion that I’d move for Amelia. I mean, what are my other options? What am I going to do, just let her go back home? Ask her to stay here?
As I think, I realize something.
I love her.
How crazy is that? But I’ve always operated by my gut. And I just know. I can feel it.
“Just make sure you’re giving her space.”
I chuckle, and decide to lighten the mood a little. “So I shouldnotbang her in the shower to mark her as mine when her ex is within earshot?”
Or in the bed when he’s passed out next to her…
I’ll spare Yoshimi that visual though.
“Jack!” she laughs. “Oh my God. You really are one of a kind. What’s gotten into you, it’s been like three years since you’ve even been with a girl. And now all of the sudden…you’re all in?”
“That’s the way I am. I’m all in, or nothing at all.”
“Aww, Jack. It feels like you’re really growing up.”
“I think so. I never thought I’d even consider moving for love. But this girl, she just gets me.”
“So why haven’t you told her all this?”
“She’s got to get rid of her ex, still.”