Afaintstreakofmoonlight filters through the picture windows. Closing my eyes, I breathe in and out, letting the tranquility of the early morning wrap around me. We live our lives in the rat race of modern life, drowning in never ending noise. Cars, planes, trains, phones, kitchen appliances, and music. People don't know how to sit or enjoy the silence, fearful of discovering and reconnecting with our true selves. If I have learned one thing, we can run, but, ultimately, we can’t hide from ourselves for too long. Life will present us with the same lesson repeatedly until we stop running and face the music. I slide the patio door open and step outside, lowering myself onto the sofa. Isis brushes against me and wraps her tail around my legs affectionately. She stretches and jumps, curling in my lap. I can never tire of the view of the sun and the moon greeting each other like forbidden lovers stealing in the dead of night and parting before they are discovered.
I have seen countless sunrises, yet they never fail to take my breath away with their beauty. My gaze drifts to the fiery ball, bringing light and color to the day by painting the sky vibrant blood-red, then changing to orange, pink, purple, and azure blue as it settles high on the horizon. Birds in the nearby trees sing in chorus with the sunrise, breaking the stillness and announcing the birth of a new day. I stretch out like an old dog and bask in the warmth washing over my body. A new hope flutters in my heart, making it leap with joy, but I shove it away. Nothing can come out of this. This is a casual relationship with rules we both agreed on.Rules are there to be broken,my heart whispers.
I lay Isis on the sofa and haul myself up, dragging my feet to my dojo. Taking my slippers off, I cross the room and bow in front of the Sensei Ueshiba photograph to show respect and humility. I straighten my spine and cross my legs, focusing on my inhalations and exhalations to help me ground and center, but my stomach clenches as that nagging feeling comes back again about Brianna muttering something about Amelia on the night of my father’s birthday. I don’t understand why I can’t stop thinking about it.Now is not the time to dwell on it.I continue bringing my attention back to my breath until it is time to end the meditation. For the rest of the session, I go through my regular hand and foot exercises.
After a quick shower and change, I prowl to the kitchen like a hungry lion. I grind fresh coffee beans and inhale the wonderful fruity scent wafting in the air. While I wait for the espresso machine to brew the liquid gold, I make oatmeal with fresh berries, realizing I have made an extra portion. As a host, it would be rude if I didn’t offer breakfast to my guest, right? Placing the bowls and coffee mug on the breakfast bar, I perch on the stool and check the time. Seven am on the dot. My little bratty princess should have been on her way to work. For the past two days, she has been avoiding me, leaving early in the morning and coming back late in the night. We aren’t in a 24/7 D/s relationship, so even if I want to know where and what she is doing after work, I have no right to demand answers.Oh, but don't you wish you had the right?My annoying self jumps in.She has been on your mind all day long.I worry about the well-being of my friend, that is all.Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night, man.
Of their own accord, my eyes dart to Micaela. It didn’t take me long to stop calling her Heidi because, to me, her birth name suits her personality better. She approaches at a slinking pace, wearing a black tailored pencil skirt suit that stresses her hourglass perfectly. My cock twitches, begging me to lay her across the island and have my wicked way with her.Down, boy.
"Morning." She stares at the breakfast, widening her eyes in surprise.
"Morning, pet. Did you sleep well?" The little brat grunts something, covering her mouth to stifle a yawn.
I cock my head, curling my mouth into a smile. "Ah, you’re not a morning person, are you, pet?" She reminds me of a grumpy Siamese kitten.
She furrows her brows, clutching her bag as if she is considering bolting through the door. "I'm a huge fan of morning. Sadly, it comes at an inconvenient time of day. Thank you for the lovely breakfast, but I'm running a bit late, no time to eat."
"You’re welcome." Rising to my feet, I grab a container and travel coffee mug, pouring coffee for her. "Here, you can have it at work." She shoves the container in her bag, a blush creeping over her high cheekbone.
"Thank you, Christopher," she murmurs, making me chuckle.
"Go kick this morning's ass. You got this."
"As soon as this coffee kicks in." She picks up the coffee mug and waves her hand as she storms out.
I park myself back on the stool and take another gulp of my coffee. I'd have never thought she wasn't a morning person. What else will I discover about my grumpy pet while she stays with me? Sliding off the chair, I wash my dishes and make my way to my office. The morning passes with Zoom calls and weeding through tons of emails, both for my regular job and impact play workshops. I lift myself up, ready to take a break, but my cell vibrating on the desk stops me. Unlocking the screen, I open the notification and stare at the message with curious amusement.
Little Bratty Princess ‘I can't wait for you to push me against the wall and ruin my pussy’ ????
Christopher ‘Is that so, pet?’
Little Bratty Princess ‘Sorry, wrong person’????
The brat is testing me, but I’ll not bite her bait.Oh, little girl. If you want to play games, you should get ready to play with the big boys.
She types, stops and types again. I don't reply, hoping it will make her squirm. After a couple of minutes, she finally sends her message.
Little Bratty Princess ‘Thank you for the amazing breakfast. A girl could get used to this if not careful’ ??
Christopher ‘Enjoy your day. See you at five o’clock’
Little Bratty Princess ‘You too’ ??
I spend the rest of the afternoon on pins and needles, itching to get my hands on my little pet. With each passing hour, I become painfully aware that we need to work out a temporary arrangement to reflect our living situation because our current ‘friends with benefits’ contract won’t work while she stays with me. Tension quivers through my muscles as my mind keeps going round and round, asking questions that have no answers. What if the new contract raises her expectations? How long can we continue with the original arrangement before feelings come between us? What if she has feelings for me already? I have seen no evidence of it, but she could be good at hiding her genuine emotions.For Christ’s sake, decide what you want to do? You can’t have your cake and eat it, too.
The sound of the key turning in the lock reaches my ears, alerting me to her arrival. I lean on the door frame, watching her leave her bag on the custom-built mahogany bench and take her shoes off. She takes a couple of abrupt steps forward, her ocean blue eyes meeting mine with defiance.
"You are late." I curve my mouth into a smirk and stare at her intently, stalking towards her. Micaela flicks her hair across her shoulders, her eyes darting around as if she is trying to escape, but there is nowhere to go. She needs to pass me to go to her room or the living space.
"I was stuck in traffic." She takes an unsteady breath and steps to her left, trying to bypass me.That’s it, little pet. Be scared, be terrified.
I wrap my hand around her throat and push her against the wall. She keeps her eyes locked on mine. I tighten my grip a little and grab her flimsy shirt with my right hand, ripping it off. Buttons fly everywhere, rolling across the wooden floor.
"Tell me you are mine, and I own you." Her pupils dilate with arousal. I release her breast, rolling her taut nipple between my fingers, stretching, pinching, and slapping it.
She inhales sharply, tugging her mouth into a smirk. "You are mine, and I own you."