I roll my shoulders to ease the anger cording my neck, before slumping on the couch. "You’re right. They've been wonderful parents, but I had the right to know." He bobs his head in silent agreement.

"I didn't want to say anything earlier because I was still mad about the whole background check fiasco, but now that I know you are my brother, I should tell you. Sadly, Allie's dad passed away, and the funeral is in two days. She isn't doing well. You should go be with her."

"I know I fucked up. I promise I'll do everything I can to make this right, starting with San Diego. Who should break the news about you being my sister?"

"Sounds like a brilliant plan. Leave it to me. I'll talk to her when she comes back home."

"Thank you. And, please, don’t be upset about your name. You can go back to Micaela, and, as a bonus, you have an array of surnames to choose from. Laurian, our father’s fake surname, or Ecclestone." His dark eyes land on mine, and we burst into laughter like kids who had too much sugar.

My phone goes off. Christopher’s ringtone "Sexy and I Know It"shuts me up. Sebastian’s gaze darts from my cell to me, arching his brow questioningly. Oh, God, I’ll have to tell him I’ve fallen for his best friend. For the second time today, blush scorches my face.

"Sorry, forgot to tell you he's coming over tonight to eat my muffins. Dammit, that came out wrong! You know what I mean."

"Mm-hmm. As your older brother, it's my duty to defend the honor of my baby sister. If the heartbreaker hurts you, I’ll kill him and make it look like an accident." Pressing his lips, he fights to suppress his smile, but when our gazes connect, we erupt into hysterical laughter.

When we come down, he rises to his feet. "Thank you for the coffee and delicious muffins. I've got a woman to win back, and you have a mountain of papers to grade before your guest comes to eat your muffins." He winks at me. I hit his arm playfully.

"Good luck, bro. I’ll see you when you come back." After ee exchange a quick hug, he leaves. Dropping on the couch, I pick up my phone and call Christopher back.

Chapter 17


"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time."

Murphy’s Law

Collapsing on the leather couch, I take a large swig of my water. Holy fuck, everything that could go wrong went wrong today. The tiles and flooring were delivered to a different building site, forcing me to spend ages to track them down. I had to cancel my catch up with Heidi to teach the beginner's Shibari class because Mistress Midori’s father had a heart attack, and she couldn’t come in. In this kind of situation, Sebastian would have stepped in, but he just got back from New York, and it’s not fair on him. The blue light flashing steadily from my cell phone tells me I have messages. There is a missed call from Sebastian and a message from Heidi.

Bratty Little Princess:‘Hey, no worries, I understand. It sounds like you have a lot going. We can catch up at another time.’

I haven’t seen her since she came back from San Diego. We texted back and forth, and there has been no flirting, just friendly banter. I’d lie if I say that I don’t miss playing with her. We have sizzling chemistry, and our kinks are perfectly aligned, but I can’t let my guard down and lose her, too. I won’t be able to survive the loss. A knock at the door brings me back to the present.

"Come in," I holler.

Emma enters and closes the door behind her, giving me a sheepish smile. "May I talk to you, Master Sebastian?"

"Sure. Have a seat." My gaze flicks over her, taking in her long platinum hair tied up in a high ponytail and black and overall pink skirt with a removable hog-tie style bondage chest harness. Moving closer, she drops to her knees and adopts a submissive pose, catching me off guard. "There is no need to kneel, pet."

She lifts her head, her gray eyes hold mine. "Please, Master Sebastian. I need to do this." I stare at her, my mind reeling with confusion. What the hell is going on?

Emma takes a couple of deep breaths. "I've had strong feelings for you for a long time. Our kinks are compatible…we work well together," she pauses. "I would be honored if you would accept my submission."

A cold knot forms in my stomach. She knows I’m not interested in her. I've never overstepped my professional boundaries with her, nor have I given her a reason to think I’m interested in pursuing a relationship with her. There is no way for me to sugar coat my rejection. In one form or another, rejection is soul crushing.

"Thank you, pet. I’m flattered that you offered your submission. While I know it’s hard to hear, I don't feel the same, so I can’t accept it. Considering this, I don't think it would be fair on you to continue helping me with the impact play classes or club’s demonstrations." She chews her lower lip, her eyes glistening with tears, and a dark red blush stains her cheeks.

A heavy, oppressive tension suffocates the air, making my body thrum with nervous energy. Rising to her feet, she bows her head and clasps her hands, looking forlorn. Damn it, my heart lurches in my chest.

"Would I be able to keep my membership, Sir?" Her voice falters.

You can’t make this suck less for her. She knew there was a high chance this would happen, but still took the risk.

"I don’t see a reason why not."

"Thank you, Sir." She wheels around, dashing out of the office. I put my head in my hand, expelling a sharp breath.And you thought this day could not get any worse.

Picking up my phone, I text Sebastian and tell him I’ll be at his house in twenty minutes.