"Listen, go home. Allie can be stubborn as a mule when she wants to, and no amount of begging will change her mind. She will speak to you when she is ready." He pounds a fist on the door frame, screwing his face and relaxing it in an obvious attempt to regain his calm.

"Okay. I’ll give her time, if that is what she needs." He grinds the words out through his teeth with forced restraint. I chew my lower lip, watching him struggle with a mixture of hesitation and frustration.

Pivoting on his heel, he dashes off as if his feet are on fire. He might have left now, but he will be back. I close the door, sauntering back to the living room and lowering myself on the couch.

"You have every right to be upset, but is it wise to ignore him, babe? He isn't someone who gives up easily, so he might turn up at our door again tomorrow." Tilting my head to the side, I gaze at her twisting her mouth into a threatening grimace. If I were her, I’d kick his ass.

"If he wants to live, he better not. I'm not in the mood to talk to him right now. On top of that, my mother called me this morning, asking me to come say goodbye to my father, who apparently only has days to live." Crap! When a bad thing happens, other bad stuff follows to make an already bad situation worse.

"Are you sure we haven't taken a wrong turn left and ended up in some fucked up version of the 'Twilight Zone?’"

"It sure feels like it."

Refilling our coffee cups, I take a large gulp and fire another question. "What're you going to do? Do you think you can find it in your heart to forgive him?"

Allie winces, rubbing her forehead. "In all honesty, I don’t know if he can admit his mistakes and ask for forgiveness. All his life, it's been all about him. He's a taker…he takes and takes until you're nothing but an empty shell. But in the face of death, even the mightiest of us tremble and repent, asking to be absolved of their sins."

Her father is a selfish dick. She will have to find it in her heart to grant him absolution, not for his benefit, but to set herself free and break the invisible hold he has on her.

"Stranger things have happened, babe. And what about Sebastian? Are you willing to forgive him? He hasn't stopped calling, which means he must feel bad and wants you to give him a chance to explain and perhaps apologize."

"What if he's just a more evolved version of Nathan? What if getting involved with him was a terrible idea? I don't have a good track record with men, Heids. I don’t want to end up like my mother. I can't, and I won't," she mutters, tears streaming down her face. Jumping to my feet, I plop next to her, wrapping my arm around her.

"You will never end up like your mother, babe. What do you tell me when I'm down?" I cover my hand with hers, squeezing it gently in encouragement. She wipes her tears with her sleeve, swallowing hard.

"You're a powerful queen with a beautiful and fierce soul that is here to light up the world and help others rise to their feet and reclaim their power."

"Damn straight. You are a survivor, Allie. You beat cancer and didn't let your father or Nathan crush your spirit, despite everything they did. Instead, you rose from the ashes like a phoenix and showed the world that nothing can take you down. Now, tell it to yourself."

She pulls me into a hug. "Love you, Heids. Thank you for being my friend and always knowing how to make me feel better."

"Love you too, Allie. No need to thank me. You do the same for me. Tell you what, how about we take a road trip to San Diego? I have a week off and need a break from everything."

"I think it's a great idea. Let me have a quick chat with my manager, and we can set off."

Chapter 16


Theweekathomepassed in a blur of catching up with old friends, dinner at my brother’s, and unexpected photoshoots. Christopher occupies my thoughts, day and night. I messaged him to thank him for helping me find my new home. Yesterday, I sent him photos of the stunning sea cave and fabulous ocean view at Sunset Cliffs Natural Park with a caption of 'a most glorious sunset view for landscape photographers'. I caught myself imagining us standing on the cliffs and taking photos together. A girl can dream, right?

I pour myself a mug of piping hot coffee and follow the sound of cheesy disco music to my mother’s resplendent conservatory. Warm mellow rays of the sun stream through the glass ceiling, making the lush greens shine and sparkle. She converted the massive space into a magical greenhouse, bringing nature in and inviting you to relax with comfortable furnishings. It’s my favorite place in my parents’ house. I shake my head as I watch her dance and sing loudly, using her trowel as a microphone.

"Hey, Pumpkin, you are up early today." She lowers the volume on her ancient stereo that she’s had since college. How this thing still works is beyond me.

"Mm-hmm. I couldn’t sleep. Allie’s dad passed away, and we talked until two in the morning." A heaviness centers in my chest, wishing I could stay longer to support my best friend. She knows I'm a phone call away.

"Poor Allie. Please send my love to her and her family." She wrinkles her brows, her expression clouded with genuine sympathy. I bob my head in agreement.

"Come, let’s sit down and talk. You are leaving tomorrow, and we hardly had any time to catch up."

"Sorry, I didn’t expect clients to book me for photoshoots." She doesn’t answer. Instead, she deposits the trowel on the potting table and drops into the armchair with a sigh, pouring herself a glass of iced tea.

"Soo, have you met anyone yet?" My mother stares at me, spreading her lips into an impish smile, making my fingers tense around my mug.

She never trusted my decisions and choices, neither when I was a teenager or an adult, and all because of her intense desire to ensure my well-being. In my heart, I know it comes from a place of love, but it doesn’t help me feel comfortable sharing my private life with her.

Awkwardly, I clear my throat. "Maybe. Yes, I kinda did."