“I don’t know,” I said. “We’d need a lot of elixir. It wouldn’t be nearly as strong, especially in such a big space.”

I picked up the device, prying off the panel to expose the battery inside.

“I could let April play around with it, she’s pretty techie. And Zane is good with electronics, and he’ll have better access to resources inside the citadel. But they’ll be busy working on the antidote. I’m not sure they’ll have time for another project.”

Jacob nodded, picking up the device again. He took a last drag before placing it back on the table.

“I’ve always known the elite were powerful, but I wasn’t afraid of them. That was before today, and what your friend Tobias showed us.”

“The glamour?” I asked. “Augustine says magic is just appearances, the brain tricking itself.”

“Exactly,” Jacob said. “But that, what he did… he got into my mind. He changed what I saw. That kind of power is absolute. I never understood why the compounds remained so loyal and committed to their king, but I understand it now. Maybe King Richard was all that kept up the illusion; infesting everyone in his kingdom with an unwarranted sense of love and duty. I’ve read records from the Before, of a violence so terrible, that all future wars became unthinkable. A bomb that could wipe out whole cities, poisoning the world for decades. Conflict suddenly became too great a risk, when the results could mean extinction. What he did to Quandom, and Penelope. Maybe it was like that. A violence that kept the peace for a century, until you defeated it.”

“It’s not over yet,” I said.

“No, it isn’t.” Jacob smiled. “But if abilities like that are rare, maybe Nigel isn’t so great a threat. Maybe you won’t even need us, though in that case, we’ll still collect on the rewards. When it’s over, you’ll have an elite king, being protected by a powerful accomplice.”

“Do you mean me or Tobias?” I asked.

“That’s the right question,” Steve grumbled.

“Make them fear you, Emily Sharrow.” His eyes lit up with sudden passion, no doubt from the elixir. “Show off your power, and what you can take from them. Show them the antidote is real, that you control their fates. Don’t leave it up to chance, or rest the fate of humanity in the hands of the vampires. You can start with this.”

He took my hand and pressed the vape pod into my palm.

“You don’t need it?” I asked.

“It’s pleasant, but slow. We have our own elixir. Take it with you, in case it’s useful. If we’re both still alive tomorrow, give it back to me then.”

“Deal,” I said.

Inside, I found my room and lay back on the bare mattress, trying to rest for a few hours. But the pile of dirty sheets in the corner and the box containing Damien’s fingers on the dresser, kept reminding me of how close I was to losing my sanity. Jacob expected me to be strong and fierce, but inside I felt broken. I didn’t know if it was all the elixir I’d consumed recently, the lack of sleep, or the deep, desperate longing for Damien, that felt like a constant tide, pulling me away from the shore. Everyone seemed to have opinions about the best way to rule, but that all seemed like a dream. Damien was all that mattered. Without him, we were doomed.I was doomed. I spun the sapphire ring around my finger, counting the slow rotations until I drifted off. It felt like a moment later, that Tobias woke me so I could get ready.

I took a shower finally at Penelope’s prompting. Even though the water was cold, it felt good to focus on something small that I could control, like getting the dirt out from under my fingernails.

I was getting changed when there was a knock on my door. “Come in,” I called over my shoulder, pulling on a baggy sweatshirt. It was Trevor, with an awkward look on his face, gripping the crown in his palms. But then he was pushed inside by someone behind him, rolling a standing mirror.

“What’s this?” I asked, as Tobias came in, his tousled hair a mess, his eyes bright. Penelope followed, her arms full of fabric.

“I found this in the closet,” she said.

“Picture this,” Tobias said, spreading his palms apart. “Red dress, gauzy chiffon, gold armor, a big sword, a crown.”

“It’s a bit showy,” I said.

“For this? It’s perfect. Red for blood, white for teeth. Just like Augustine’s little gang but on a much bigger scale.”

“Plus, there’s a good chance all the elite will be in their finest tomorrow night for Nigel’s crowning,” Penelope called from the hallway. She’d already changed into a sleeveless white gown, but she was wearing it under a rough leather jacket. “You’d stand out more in the weird, casually-stained ensemble you’ve been collecting since you lived there.”

“Maybe Damien should wear it,” I grumbled. “And can we find a bigger room?”

“The crown, or the dress?” Trevor asked with a smirk.

“You’ll need to bring the crown with you anyway,” Tobias said. “The dress might help you access some areas you’re not supposed to be in. The nicer you dress in the citadel, the less people seem to look at you.”

“It’s just a piece of metal,” I said.

“It’s a symbol. People are simple. What’s the difference between a man and a king? The thing that marks him as more than just a rich asshole? Acrown.”