“Hey, I’m not sure about you, but I want my flowers while I’m here.” Knox trailed after Frank, carrying two cups of punch and steering Frank into a nearby chair.

“Amen. Sing my praises while I can hear.” Holden rolled over to the space next to Frank’s chair as Knox drifted away to retrieve more cups from the food table.

“That’s assuming we have praise for you.” My tease got a laugh from everyone in earshot, including Holden himself.

“Hey, now. That’s no way to tease the guy who got a call Friday from his contact at ODFW.”

“What did Fish and Wildlife have to say?” Pulling out my phone, I opened my note-taking app, immediately sliding from joking to all business.

“Fishing license from that year was registered to someone living at the rental Leon pointed out. Same first name. Mother’s maiden name as the last name. We’re gonna get him. I can feel it.” Holden waved as Rob came striding over to our group, a diaper bag over one shoulder and a large gift bag in his hand.

“Hope so.” Rob clapped Holden on the shoulder with his free hand. “I’ve got a meeting with the feds. Think we’re going to be able to officially reopen the case on what you’ve both found so far.”

“Nasty bit of business, but a long time coming.” Frank gave a sharp nod before Rob walked away to open the door for Jessica, Angie, and the triplets. At the same time, Sam came over, carrying a stack of folding chairs.

“Yes. Justice for the Stapletons.” Sam arranged the chairs around Frank, then turned toward me. “Have you heard from Worth lately?”

“Nope. I’ve left messages. I should give you the number. Maybe you’d have better luck.”

“Me?” Sam sank into the empty chair closest to me. “I’ve got no connection to Worth.”

“Just a two-decades-old crush and an unwavering conviction that Worth’s dad was innocent.” Holden’s tone was joking and not at all unkind, but Sam’s bleak mood from trivia night hadn’t improved any over the weekend. He didn’t even crack a smile at Holden.

“Holden.” I gave him a warning look. “I meant more you have a way with people, Sam. Maybe you can get through to him since the rest of us can’t.”

“Send him pics of the specials board. Make him laugh.” Returning with more cups of punch, Knox handed Sam one.

“I could do that.” Sam took a long swallow. “Sorry. I’m down because that realtor lady is sniffing around the Stapleton place. If someone doesn’t make an offer soon, the developer who wanted Monroe’s house will snatch it up, raze it to the ground, and that doesn’t seem right.”

Frank harrumphed. “It’s a piece of Safe Harbor History. There’s none of them around now, but the Stapleton family dates back to the town’s founding. Seems like someone needs to step up.”

“Yup.” Speaking in unison, we all stared at Sam.

“Fine.” He threw up his hands. “I’ll talk to a banker this week, see if I’ve got a prayer of getting a mortgage.”

“If anyone’s got a prayer, it’s you.” I smiled encouragingly at Sam, then turned as Rob returned with Jessica and family in tow, fussy baby now in his arms.

“Knox!” Jessica greeted him with a big hug. “It’s the man of the hour.”

“I am not.” Blushing, he gave her a fast kiss on the cheek. “This is Frank and Leon’s party.”

“And your show. You did all this.” I gestured at the community center filled with people, many of whom were there as much for Knox as Frank and Leon.

“Look at you.” Shifting the baby to one arm, Rob duffed Knox’s shoulder. “You brought the whole damn town together.”

“Keller is unimpressed.” Knox extricated the baby from Rob’s grasp and put him on one shoulder, rubbing his little back.

“Keller is unimpressed with anything not milk-flavored right now.” Jessica sounded painfully exhausted.

“After we clean up here, Monroe and I are gonna come help at the house so you get a nap, poor tired mama.” Knox was quick as ever to volunteer, and I immediately started planning his own rest later, even as I nodded.

“We’ll do some cleaning and take turns in the rocking chair.” I ushered Jessica to the nearest open chair in our circle.

“You’re the best. Both of you.” Jessica’s eyes were misty, undoubtedly with exhaustion as much as emotion, the way she always got choked up when Knox referred to her as his mom.

“You’re pretty awesome.” Rob retrieved the gift bag he’d had earlier, holding it up to Knox as the girls dashed to the cake table. “Here, give Jessica the baby. We have a present for you.”

“A present?” Knox’s eyes went wide and delighted. “It’s not my party!”

“We brought Frank and Leon a gorgeous potted Dahlia to celebrate their retirement.” Jessica patted Knox’s hand as he passed over the baby. “But this gift is for you. It was your dad’s idea.”