He was in uniform, looking more imposing than usual, but his entire expression softened as he gazed into the dimly lit room.

“Look at that.” His voice sounded like a rusty faucet. “My boys.”

“You did good.” A few weeks prior, I wouldn’t have hesitated to pat his arm, but now I kept my hand glued to my side. “Congrats on bringing Keller home.”

“Thanks.” Mouth twisting, he stepped away from the door and lowered his voice. “Knox says I need to apologize to you.”

“It’s okay.” I also stepped back from the door so as not to disturb Knox’s time with the baby. “You should focus on the baby today. And I understand your reaction to Knox and me being a couple. You’re unhappy. You want better for Knox.”

“No, I don’t. Or rather, I thought I did. But then Knox…” Trailing off, he shook his head, fondness softening his expression further. “Man, that kid is so in love with you. He made me remember you’re a pretty decent guy. Listed off all your good qualities.”

“Oh, I’ve got bad ones too.”

“Yep. I know. Lousy card player. Broody. Horrible taste in baseball teams. Bad swimmer. It’s a wonder the navy took you.” He whistled low, then chortled. “You’re all right, Monroe. You’re a decent guy. Good person. I’m not gonna pretend the age gap is nothing. But Knox could do a hell of a lot worse.”

“Thank you.” I barely got the words out past the knot in my throat. It wasn’t a full apology or complete acceptance, but it was something. A start. “I’m not going to let you down. Or him.”

“You take good care of him.” Rob wagged a thick finger at me.

“Or you’ll hide the body. Already got that lecture from Leon today.” I laughed quietly. “But, really, Knox takes care of me. We take care of each other. I know you don’t always see it, but Knox is an amazing man. Not a kid.”

“He did grow up.” Rob glanced back into the nursery, lines around his eyes and mouth deepening, sentiment clouding his tack-sharp eyes. “He says you make him feel like he belongs.”

“He does belong. I belong with him too. I’m not sure what it is between us. Fate. Souls recognizing each other. Something. And I look at him, sitting there, singing to his brother, and I think I’m the luckiest guy on the planet. I’d jump in front of a bus for him, Rob.”

“You love him,” he whispered like he was testing out the words.

“I do. I love him. I love how he gives me no quarter. You and Leon don’t have to worry. Knox won’t accept anything less than my best.”


“Rob!” Jessica came bustling up the stairs, camera in one hand, brownie in the other, looking ready to mediate a cease-fire. “Angie said you came in. Everything okay?”

“Yep.” Rob jerked his head in my direction. “Monroe and I had a chance to catch up.”

“Good.” Jessica’s mouth tightened like she was hoping that was the right answer.

“Knox?” Rob called out. “Be sure and let Monroe have a turn with the baby.”

“Oh, I don’t think…” If Knox had looked scared about holding the baby, I probably looked downright terrified.

“Get in here, you,” Knox demanded, freeing a hand to usher me closer. The baby’s teeny face scrunched up. He was fair like Jessica and bald, but in the purse of his mouth and stubborn set of his little jaw, I saw a glimmer of Knox. He passed me the baby like we were transferring a crystal vase. Something sparked between us, the electricity that always lurked when we touched but amplified now by emotion. “Isn’t he perfect?”

“He is.” I agreed, but my eyes were more on Knox than the precious bundle in my hands. “And so are you.”

“Thanks.” He put his hand on mine, holding the baby and me both. “You and my dad okay?”

In the doorway, Jessica was hugging Rob, both their eyes sparkling.

“I think we will be.” And for the first time, I actually believed there might be a future for Rob’s and my friendship, right alongside the future I wanted with Knox.

Family. Knox would always belong to me, but he belonged here too, and together we were carving out a space for ourselves within this loud, welcoming family. Our own little family. I saw that now. Not just home. A family. The two of us. And I couldn’t wait to watch the seasons change and little Keller grow up together.

Chapter Thirty-Five


“You made it!” Holden was first to greet me as I entered the bar for the last trivia night before Labor Day weekend. Monroe and Sam also waved as I plodded my way toward our usual table.

Summer was officially coming to a close, and I was bushed between work projects with deadlines, helping out with Keller, dreaming with Monroe on the B&B details, and planning the Labor Day retirement party for Frank and Leon.