And that was another reason the older guy was intriguing—I was so over the immaturity of the college scene, even my own friends.

“Jorge and Tyreece are doing separate bachelor parties.” The guy half-smiled as he shared, and I seriously dug the way his eyes crinkled and his shoulders lifted. “Tyreece’s friends and family are doing a movie night and slumber party for him. Not sure which I’d rather be at, honestly.”

“I know.” I laughed. “Sign me up for movie night. I’d even find cute jammies for the occasion. Wouldn’t want to scandalize the relatives with my usual sleeping attire…”

“I learned the hard way not to sleep naked.” He shook his head, sandy hair brushing his ears in a way that made me want to lick his neck. Or maybe it was how he said naked that made electricity zoom to all my interested parts. “All it took was one ill-timed fire drill in the barracks, and I bought a whole stack of flannel pants.”

“Oof. That sounds cold.” And yup, I’d been right on with the military. My dad had an endless assortment of first responder and military-type friends and contacts, so I’d pegged his bearing as soon as I’d spotted the guy. “Frosty naked is not the fun kind of naked.”

“It was definitely chilly. But you make pajamas sound fun, not practical.” His gaze roamed over me like he was mentally dressing me. Or undressing. That would be even better. “Yeah, maybe I should have gone with the movie-night group. But I didn’t used to be the type to turn down a night out.”

“I totally am. I own my homebody status. I got more than enough of going out in college. Tonight I’m just here for Tony and Ross.” My airy tone made college sound further away, which was intentional. No sense in emphasizing our age difference. And besides, I wasn’t lying. I’d always been more of a stay-at-home type, happy to hang with friends or family. I’d much rather lend someone a hand than take them out for a beer.

“Rebound!” X-ray bounded over. He was the human equivalent of a sheepdog puppy, but after two years as roommates, I found him more endearing than annoying. Usually. Right then, I could do without the interruption. “We’re getting drinks. You want anything?”

“Nah. Thanks. You go on.” I waved him away without trying to introduce him to my new friend. Loved X-ray, but the guy tended to be a walking disaster, not the sort of distraction I needed. Also, I wanted the stranger all to myself a little longer.

“Rebound?” His head tilted as he considered me.

“It’s a nickname.” I shrugged, not one to get embarrassed easily.

“I’ve heard all sorts of crazy nicknames in the navy, but not that one. How’d you earn Rebound?”

“I like pickup basketball.” I smiled when his gaze turned more pointed and expectant, like he knew perfectly well there was more to the story. “And okay, I have a little bit of a rep from college. I didn’t really date, but somehow I was always people’s rebound guy. Get over a bad guy…”

“By getting under a good one?”

“Yep. You get the picture. I didn’t intend it that way, but the nickname stuck, especially when my basketball friends started using it too, so I was doubly screwed.”

“I bet.” The corners of his mouth lifted. I hadn’t meant screwed as innuendo, but if he took it that way, I was okay with it. The nickname made me sound like far more of a player and stud than I actually was. A couple of sympathetic flings freshman year, and boom, a stupid nickname that made it sound like I’d banged half the campus.

“What do they call you in the navy?” I asked.

“I’m newly out of the service now, but sir. Lieutenant. Or if they didn’t have to salute, my friends called me Butter.”

“Butter?” I loved this already. And lieutenant made him sound older than I might have assumed, but there was no reason the sexy officer and I couldn’t have a little fun together.

“Hey, you asked.” He laughed, showing off more of those sexy eye crinkles I loved. “Word was I was gunning for butter bars—second lieutenant rank from day one at the academy. Also, I could make things happen. Grease the wheels. Like butter.”

“Cute.” I spied some of his friend group headed back our way, loaded down with drinks. “Wanna dance, Lieutenant Butter?”

“I…” He sounded like he was about to let me down easy, then he turned, noticing his approaching friends. “Sure. Why not?”

“That’s the spirit.” I steered him toward the dance floor. “Come on, let’s hide from our friends together.”

“You’re on.” He smiled again, wider this time, and yeah, I had a serious thing for the softness in his eyes, a depth of emotion there that was almost hypnotic.

“I am.” I pulled him into one of the farther corners of the dance floor. Lieutenant Butter was a surprisingly good dancer. He had a solid rhythm, and even better, he effortlessly followed my movements.