“Yes.” The please was what did it, the way he seemed to need this every bit as much as I did. He seemed to crave my pleasure as much as his own, and I couldn’t gift Knox much, but I could gift him my surrender.

And what a surrender it was. I forced myself to relax, to banish the restless tension from my muscles, and as soon as Knox teased a circle around my rim, my entire body went pliant, putty for him to do with as he wished.

“Oh, Monroe.” His fond tone was going to be my utter undoing. “You’re sweet as hell.”

“No—yes. Yes. That.” Whatever protest I’d been about to make was cut off as he attacked my hole in earnest, licking and sucking, the same devious tongue my cock adored doing devilish things to my ass until I was rocking up to meet his mouth. “Please.”

“More? I can do that.” The happy noises Knox kept making went straight to my pulsing cock, and the more enthusiastic he became, the better his attentions felt until my belly was streaked with precome. I didn’t dare reach for my cock because I was that damn close.

“Please. Fingers. Now.” I fumbled for the bottle of lube, nearly lobbing it at Knox’s head. “Don’t wanna come from your mouth.”

“Is that even possible?” Knox’s eyes gleamed like I’d just confessed to a secret horde of diamonds. God, he was such a fucking delight.

“With your talents? Yeah, probably.”

“Damn. I love that.” He went right back to rimming me, totally ignoring the lube and my pleas.

“Quit trying to test that theory.” I pushed at his shoulder again, getting more purchase this time, and he made an adorable frustrated puppy noise before sitting back on his heels and slicking his fingers.

“You’ll tell me if I go too fast?” Knox asked as he eased the tip of one index finger in.

“Continental drift is faster than you.” I arched, trying to take his finger deeper. I’d never wanted it this bad before, never been this mindless, this consumed by need, this aware of every nerve ending.

“Complaints, complaints.” Sighing like I was a demanding princess, he did a nifty little maneuver with his finger before sliding a second in beside the first. I saw stars as he used both to press directly on my prostate. No searching, no more questioning, only the exact pressure and depth I’d craved. Perfection.

“Oh fuck. Jesus. More like that.”

“There you go, forgetting my name again.” Knox made a clucking noise as he eased back enough to take care of the condom, slicking himself with an alarming amount of extra lube. But his attention to every detail, his care and concern, was a huge part of the appeal of doing this with him. With Knox, I didn’t have to worry, and that was its own pleasure and release. And with him, I could laugh, even as my body strained toward his.

“Knox. If you don’t fuck me in the next five seconds…”

“You’ll what?” He matched my laughter as he pushed my legs up and back, as confident as ever, so damn appealing the way he had no problem taking over or manhandling me to both of our satisfaction.

“Cocky…” I gave up on words temporarily as he pushed forward. More of that glacial slowness and care, but man, his steadiness was so welcome. Trust. I’d said that earlier, and it was so true here. I trusted Knox to go at the right speed for both of us, to take me to the edge of too much without ever tipping into discomfort. The initial stretch and subtle burn faded into deep pleasure as he connected with my prostrate, perfect angle and pressure yet again. “Fuck. That’s good.”

“Yeah?” Knox sounded slightly unsure, which, if anything, made him that much sexier.

“More.” I pulled my legs up farther, quads burning like I was running a steeplechase. I met him thrust for thrust, power for power until my head and then my hands fell back, every rational thought and voluntary movement ceasing. I sagged against the mattress, taking it, taking him, taking every last thing Knox had to give me.

“God. Monroe.” Knox stared down at me with undisguised wonder. “You’re so fucking hot like this.”

“I was gonna say the same thing about you.” I managed half a laugh before I moaned again. Knox truly was spectacular, rippling muscles, sweaty chest, hair falling out of its ponytail, cock in tune with my every breath. He was strong, so strong, and I really did feel like I was flying, just as he’d promised.

“Going to come for me?” His voice was huskier now.

“Nah.” I pretended to think it over. “Want it to last forever.”

“Come on, Monroe.” He wrapped a slick hand around my dick, firm strokes that would make a liar out of me in a hurry. “Please.”