“Complaints?” He leered at me, rolling to his stomach, showing off that perfect ass of his: twin muffins I couldn’t resist dropping a playful bite on.

“None at all.” I’d retrieved supplies from one of my unpacked bags in my old bedroom, and I tossed the condoms and lube next to Knox. Rather than join him, I took a moment to step back and appreciate how damn sexy he was, tanned skin against the white bedding, blue accents in the room making him look like the star of a dirty surfing calendar.

“Then why aren’t you in this bed yet?”

“Maybe I like looking at you.” I kept my voice light, but inside, I was well-aware this was the moment that might not come again. The whole weekend had been pretty damn perfect, yet we were only just now making it to an actual bed, the fruits of our hard work framing a memory I was going to keep close.

“Take a picture?” He gestured at my phone next to his on the newly-painted bedside table.

“I’ve been part of too many investigations to risk sexy phone pics.”

“Then take one for me?” He tossed me his phone instead. “I want to see what you see.”

“Well, I could stand here all night cataloging your muscles.” I didn’t open his phone. Still wasn’t risking a pic, no matter how much I wanted one. “But that’s not what I want a picture of. I see your swagger. It’s in your smart mouth and cocky grin and the way you carry yourself, even in bed.”

“I’m not over the novelty of me in a bed either.” He grinned up at me, but there was a sentimentality in his eyes that hadn’t been there before.

“Hush. I see your hands which, in addition to working like crazy here at the house this weekend, managed errands for your dad and Jessica and even some hours for Measure Twice. You’re always doing something for someone, Knox.”

“That’s how I like it.”

“But what do you want for yourself?” I held his gaze.

“If you’re asking me to be selfish, you might want to come here and get your cock within sucking range.”

“I’m serious. I see your strength and selflessness and kindness and smart-assed self, Knox. That’s what I want a picture of.”

“Oh wow.” Inhaling sharply, he rolled back over, expression soft and open. “You might have missed your calling as a poet. The navy wasted your talents.”

“Oh, my reports were poetry, all right.” I laughed as I gave in to the urge to stretch out next to him after placing his phone back on the nightstand.

“Finally.” Knox wrapped himself around me, a most welcome barnacle. “You want me to want something for me? I choose you.” Reaching down, he groped my ass. “And this. You did say that was your request tonight, right?”

“It is. But I don’t want to be another favor or errand for you.” I turned to peer into Knox’s eyes, trying to tell him something I didn’t quite understand myself. “I want to treat you, not require you.”

“Aw, Monroe, that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me. Yes, please, treat me to your ass.” He tickled my sides lightly, and laughter barked out of me, rusty but true. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been tickled, but I liked it.

“It’s a rare enough gift.”

“I know.” Sobering, he stroked my jaw. “And that’s why I do want this. It turns me on that you chose me for this, that you’re trusting me with your body.”

And everything else. But, of course, I couldn’t admit that, not even close. “You’re easy to trust.”

“Thank you.” Knox gave me the softest of kisses, a sweetness I neither deserved nor could keep, but I was going to soak up anyway, add to my memory banks. “I’m gonna make this so good for you.”

Knox easily flipped our positions, as nimble as any special forces warrior, and immediately started kissing a determined trail south.

“Better not.” I shoved at his shoulder. “I’m already hard enough. I don’t wanna come yet, and you’re too damn talented.”

“Did I say I was heading for your cock?” Expression impish, he shoved my legs farther apart and ducked under my thighs, a move worthy of a college wrestling crown. His hot breath gusted across my rim, and I shivered. “If you haven’t figured it out yet, I love pretty much everything I can do with my mouth.”

I made a noise that was part protest, part need. This wasn’t something I’d had the sort of time and space to indulge in, and the unfamiliarity made my abs quiver. I wasn’t sure I’d ever been this open—or wanted to be—but then Knox dropped a gentle kiss on the inside of my thigh.

“Let go, Monroe. That’s what you said you wanted, right? Let go, and let me make you fly. Please?”