“Well, I have something better. Knox is coming home for the summer.”

I blinked, taking a moment to remember who Knox was. “Your kid?”

While I’d left for the navy and the rest of our high-school crowd had scattered, Rob had stayed local and had a kid with his high-school girlfriend mere days after graduation. I had the vaguest memories of a red-faced bawling infant before heading to the academy. But, by the time I’d returned for one of my very sporadic visits, Rob and Petra had split. Last I’d heard, the kid mainly lived with Petra in Seattle and summered with Rob and his new wife.

“Knox just turned twenty-three. He’s not exactly a kid now. Graduated last weekend from college. But his lease is up, and the landlord is selling the building. His other roommates are heading for jobs in various cities, but Knox doesn’t leave for grad school until the fall.”

“Has he told you yet that his boy got into an Ivy League architecture program?” Holden laughed.

“Hey, I’m a proud dad. What can I say?”

“Say he can stay with you?” I tilted my head, still trying to figure out what Rob wanted from me.

“That’s what he usually does every summer. He comes and works for Measure Twice remodeling, same as he has since high school. But this year, my wife’s sister is here from Australia to spend the summer until the new baby comes. She’s got a six-month visa and is already in Knox’s old room.”

“Ouch,” Holden and I said simultaneously.

“And the old guest room will be the nursery.” Rob swallowed, skin going slightly green like he’d just realized he was about to have four under four in the house.

“And you have triplets,” Holden helpfully pointed out.

“Them too. Luckily, they’re still young enough to share one big room. And Knox is all, ‘I can take the basement.’ But that’s little more than an unfinished laundry room and storage area. And apparently, he’s now bringing a cat.”

“A cat?” Not that I was remotely considering this roommate suggestion that was already closer to a babysitting gig. Add in a cat, plus this Knox kid, and the drinks at the bachelor party better be extra strong.

“You like animals.” Rob remembering that would be sweet if he didn’t clearly have an ulterior motive. “Jessica is allergic, her sister’s allergic, and probably the triplets too. I know Knox and the cat are a big ask, buddy, but he’s amazing with home repairs. Watches all the shows. He’s strong like an ox. Good endurance. Takes direction well.”

“Are you selling me on a roommate or a racehorse?”

“You need someone like him. Admit it.” Rob clearly wasn’t going to let this drop.

“A college kid who’s watched a lot of DIY TV with a tendency to collect pets?” I shook my head. Nope. I knew perfectly well what I needed, and it wasn’t that.

“Free labor?” Rob’s smile turned beseeching. “How many favors have I asked you for over the years?”

“Not many.” I could admit he’d been a good long-distance friend, never trying to get me to use my naval connections on a case or asking for money, even though there were undoubtedly years he could have used it. “Can I think about it over the weekend?”

“Sure. Come by Sunday night after you’re back in town. We’re having some folks over for a barbeque.”

“Maybe you can wear your awful shirt to that too.” Grinning, Holden leaned back in his chair. “Are you seriously hoping to get lucky in something that cheesy?”

“I’m hoping to help friends celebrate. Not out for a hookup.” And if I was going to entertain Rob’s ridiculous plan, I better get used to a summer of no sex in a hurry. Babysitting some college kid along with working on the house wasn’t going to leave me time for any hookups, not that those exactly grew on trees in this tiny town anyway.

I’d planned on dreaming up an appropriate excuse during the drive to Portland. However, the trip passed with no brilliant reason why I couldn’t let Knox and his cat have one of the many bedrooms in the old Victorian my Great-Aunt Henri had left me. I had to set aside my dilemma over Knox once I arrived in downtown Portland because I was swept up in a flurry of old friends, new introductions, and wedding festivities.

By the time we headed out for Jorge’s bachelor fun, I’d almost forgotten Rob’s request and our ridiculous attire until Jorge had to go and demand a selfie of the group in our matching shirts.

“Good lord, do not tag me in any of those.” I groaned as Jorge attached his phone to a stick-like thing to take a good half-dozen snaps.

“You have social media?” Jorge’s cousin, whom I’d met a handful of times, had stuck way too close to me all evening. “I was under the impression the navy frowned upon personnel doing social.”