Page 80 of Dare Me To Want You

Except when Trish opened her eyes, she wasn’t alone in her room.

Cameron stood in the doorway, his hand still raised as it must have been when he knocked. The door hadn’t even swung open all the way, but there was no way he’d missed the tail end of that self-love session. Especially not the part where she’d moaned his name as she came.


She sat up, thought about clutching the sheet to her chest and gave it up as a lost cause. He’d already seen the goods—more than once at this point. The only person who’d seen her naked so many times without there actually being sex involved was her freaking doctor. And Trish didn’t want to sleep with her doctor.

Cameron didn’t say anything. Didn’t move. Didn’t seem to so much as breathe.

There was no brazening her way out of this situation. She didn’t know who’d cursed her that she seemed to be destined to perpetually humiliate herself in front of Cameron, but it was time to face the music.

She met his gaze directly. “I don’t suppose you missed any of that?”

“You said my name when you came.” His voice was deeper than normal, and each word rumbled in the pit of her stomach. Lower. “I’ve tried to stay away from you, Trish.”

“I know.”

“You’re making it fucking impossible.”

Was this... Could this actually be happening?

She couldn’t go to him. She’d already thrown herself at him too many times for her pride to survive yet another rejection. Trish licked her lips, half-convinced she could taste him there despite weeks passing since their last kiss. “Maybe it’s time to try something new, then.” Try me. Touch me. Fuck me.

He stepped into her room. He moved slowly, seeming to weigh her every breath as if testing her resolve. Little did he know it took everything she had to keep perfectly still and wait for him to approach the bed instead of flinging herself at him.

“Cameron,” she whispered.

“Yeah.” He matched her tone.

Her next words would either push them over the edge or yank them back to safety. She knew what the smart choice would be, but Trish had been making the smart choice for her entire life and look where it got her—nowhere near the path she’d always thought she’d walk. It was time to try something new. She drew in a shallow breath. “Touch me.”

He reached down and grabbed a fistful of the blankets covering the bed. “That’s not a good idea.”

“I know.” No point in arguing. It was the truth. “Do it anyway.”

He lifted his gaze to meet hers. “You’re sure.”

Not a question, but she wanted no chance of miscommunication. If they were sprinting past the point of no return, they would do it together with eyes wide-open. “I’m sure.”

He drew the blankets from the bed in an agonizingly slow movement. The sensation of sheets sliding down her body had her biting her bottom lip, but the forbidding look in his dark eyes kept her still and silent, unwilling to do anything to break the spell.

“Show me.”

Trish stopped breathing. “What?”

“You were imagining me. Us. Tell me what you pictured.” He didn’t move from his spot at the end of the bed, just out of reach. “Show me how you touched yourself.”

She should be embarrassed. Humiliated. But being on display for him set her aflame. She was so close to having what she wanted...

This is exactly what I wanted.

Cameron’s eyes on me.

She shifted until she was on her back and resumed the position she’d been in when this all started. With him watching, she cupped her breasts. “You touched me here. Made my toes curl.”

“Mmm.” His appreciative growl vibrated through her entire body.

She started to slide one hand down her stomach, but he made a negative sound. “Slow, Trish. I’ve been thinking about tracing your freckles with my tongue since I saw them. I sure as fuck wouldn’t rush this.”

The heat beneath her skin flared hotter. She licked her lips. “I can’t do that myself.”

“I know.”

Slowly, oh so slowly that she didn’t dare breathe, she spread her thighs, revealing everything to him. “Touch me, Cameron. Please.”

The bed dipped beneath his weight and then he was there, covering her with his body. His clothes scraped lightly against her skin, a barrier she wanted gone, but Trish couldn’t focus with his weight settling over her like the best kind of promise. This was happening. They were doing this.

She grabbed his hand and pressed it to the center of her chest, directly over the spot he’d almost touched her that day back in her apartment. “Touch me,” she repeated. “Make it better than I imagined.”

He spread his fingers, nearly covering her chest completely from collarbone to collarbone. Cameron shifted his hand up, dragging his thumb along the front of her throat as he cupped the back of her neck and tilted her face up to meet his. He kissed her slowly, beginning with the softest brushing of his lips against hers and then teasing her mouth open with his tongue. The soft kiss was directly at odds with the way he spread her thighs with his own and ground against her clit, his cock a hard ridge in his pants. “This is what you want.”