Page 11 of Dare Me To Want You

He tried to be rational and actually consider it. He fucking failed. The line had been crossed last night and there was no going back now. “No. She asked me, so I’m the one who’ll do it. And don’t get any funny ideas, Roman. You meddle in enough people’s lives. I have no interest in being added to the list.”

“As if you’d let me.” Roman affected a sigh. “You’re as mean as a junkyard dog.”

“And you’re wasting my time. Unless you have something worthwhile to add to the search, get out.”

He realized his mistake the second his friend perked up. “Who’s on the list?”

Fuck me. “No.”

“Come on.” Roman shot to his feet, towering over the desk, and snatched the paper from beneath Gideon’s hand. His hazel eyes went wide. “Shit, Gideon. You put Aaron Livingston on here. Shooting for the stars, aren’t you?”

“She’s worth it.” He grabbed the paper.

Roman studied him for a long moment. “Interesting.”

“For fuck’s sake, Roman, don’t you have some business to buy up or small children to terrify?” He still had several hours’ worth of work to do before he met up with Lucy tonight. The address she’d texted him wasn’t far, but rush hour would be a bitch to navigate, so he’d scheduled in extra time. That didn’t mean he was going to dick around with this damn list.

His friend pointed to two names on the list. “Take Travis and David off the list. They’re fuckheads with women, though they both hide it well.”

Gideon crossed out their names. “I hadn’t heard.”

“Why would you? You don’t date, and that handsome mug of yours might have people intrigued, but it’s from a distance. People aren’t rushing to confide in you because there’s a solid chance you’ll rip them a new one for wasting your time.”

Gideon glared. “Are you finished?”

“Not yet.” Roman gave a lazy grin. “My point is that people talk to me, so using that as a resource is a smart thing to do. Aaron Livingston is as straight as they come. If that guy has any skeletons in his closet, they’re buried deep. The other two left on the list are up in the air. I’ll find out what I can and let you know.”

He fought down the need to snap back. The truth was that Roman was right. People didn’t open up to Gideon. His clients only cared that he got the job done and had one of the highest ratings in the industry. The people he placed for his clients only cared about their endgame in a company that would pay them well to do what they loved. Friends? He had them. He just preferred them at a distance.

Roman had never been able to take that hint.

“Fine. Look into them.”

“It’s charming that you think I need your permission.” Roman grinned. “I’ll come by in the next few days and let you know what I dig up.”

A call would have been preferable, but Gideon knew Roman well enough to know that arguing was pointless. His friend did what he wanted, when he wanted. He sighed. “Fine.”

“Chin up, Novak.” Roman paused. “All joking aside, if you’re going to do this, do it right. I know your history with Lucy is complicated, but playing this straight is the only way. Otherwise, there are a lot of potential complications that could arise.”

Last night had been nothing if not one long, agonizingly good complication. Even almost twenty-four hours later, he could still taste her in his mouth. It made him crave more, which was a dangerous path to walk.

Lucy wasn’t for him.

He had to remember that.

If she’d wanted him, she would have said so. Even this almost-timid version of her wouldn’t have balked at putting it out there. She was direct, as evidenced by her plan existing in the first place. But she hadn’t brought him into her office to ask him to step into the role of husband.


What would that even look like?

Gideon shook his head and focused on his friend. “I have it under control.”

“Keep telling yourself that.” Roman headed for the door. “I’ll check in tomorrow, but in case I don’t see you before then, we still on for Friday?”

“Yeah.” They had a standing reservation in Vortex’s VIP lounge on Friday nights. It was one of the only social appointments he held consistently, despite occasionally running into Jeff there. But that asshole had started coming less and less in the years since he and Lucy had broken off their engagement. People had started to see through his charming act and called him out when he was acting like a douchebag—which was often.

“See you then.” Roman opened the door and paused. “You should bring her.”

Gideon tore his gaze away from the list of names yet again. “What?”

“You should bring Lucy on Friday. I know Aaron Livingston since we worked together last year. We can orchestrate a non-pressure meeting. You’re on your own with the other two, but I don’t think Aaron would agree to a blind date for shits and giggles.”