Page 23 of Dare Me To Want You

“I wish I could say she was making it all up.” Mark relaxed a little, just the slight loosening in his shoulders. She hadn’t realized he was tense until it disappeared. He grinned. “If she’s half as beautiful as you, she’s seen more than her fair share of crazy on those sites.”

“I’m sure she has.” Lucy knew all too well that Becka had kept plenty of it back, sharing only the funny stories. That was what gave her away—there only seemed to be funny stories. Nothing dark, nothing worrisome. Nothing indicating she’d met anyone she had more than a passing interest for. “Tell me about them.”

He hesitated, surveying her expression, but he must have seen only the interest she felt there because he chuckled. “I’d rather know more about you. Gideon said you’re a lawyer.”

“I’m a defense attorney.” She had to wonder what else Gideon had told Mark and the other men he’d managed to get to agree to meet her. Lucy looked good on paper. She was confident in that, even if she wasn’t in any other romantic aspect of her life.

But a lot of women looked good on paper and weren’t going about marriage in such an odd way.

Mark leaned forward, expression attentive. “Do you like it? I’ve been fascinated with the court system since I was a kid. Too many Law & Order marathons, you know.”

“It’s not much like that in real life. There’s a truly unglamorous amount of paperwork, and research can be tedious to the point where I’ve believed more than once that it might kill me.” She forced herself to relax a little. “But actually being in court is exhilarating. It’s like a game of chess but with higher stakes. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

Their food arrived and the conversation proceeded easily, her work moving into his work as cybersecurity expert, and then sharing a bit about their childhoods. Mark was as nice as he was handsome and Lucy waited through the entire meal for her heartbeat to pick up at the sight of his smile, or for her mind to leapfrog into what it would be like to get naked with him.

There was nothing but a vague pleasant feeling of spending her time in friendly conversation.

No sizzle whatsoever.

She’d asked for that, but she couldn’t help comparing him to Gideon. They were different in so many ways. Mark was built lean like a blade—a very well-muscled blade—whereas Gideon looked like a Viking who had decided he’d bring his pillaging to the corporate world. His broad shoulders created a V that tapered down to a narrow waist and there was no way he’d be able to buy a suit off the rack with those powerful thighs.

Mark was attractive but missing a vital component she couldn’t put her finger on. A sizzle. A flair. Something that screamed life.

I’ve been reading too many romance novels.

Or maybe she was trying to rationalize something that couldn’t be rationalized. She didn’t have a connection with Mark. That didn’t mean there was something wrong with her—or with him. It just wasn’t there.

Mark seemed to notice it, as well. He paid for their meal and sat back with a rueful smile. “This has been fun, but I won’t be hearing from you for a second date, will I?”

She liked his frankness. She just wished she felt some kind of pull to the match.

Lucy pressed her lips together. “I can’t say for certain.”

“I get it.” He stood and moved around the table to pull out her chair. “I’d love to get to know you better—as friends.”

That was exactly it. She’d enjoyed the dinner. She wouldn’t mind spending more time with him. She just couldn’t imagine walking down the aisle to him, even in an arranged setting. “Thank you for a wonderful evening.”

Mark pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. “You’re something special, Lucy Baudin. I hope you get what you’re looking for.”

“You, too. She’s out there. Don’t give up yet.”

He squeezed her hand. “Good night, Lucy.”

She followed him to the door and allowed him to hail her a cab. It was only when she was on her way back to her apartment that she took out her phone and texted Gideon.

Heading home.

I’ll be there in thirty.

Her stomach dipped pleasantly and she clenched her thighs together. There was no mistaking what would happen the second he walked through her door, and her skin heated just thinking about it.

She couldn’t wait.


GIDEON STORMED THROUGH Lucy’s door without knocking. He found her pacing nervously around her living room, practically wringing her hands, and stopped short. “What did he do?”

Her blue eyes went wide. “Excuse me?”

“Mark. Obviously he did something.” He sliced his hand through the air to indicate her current state. “Tell me what it was and I’ll take care of it.” He’d thought Mark was a safe enough bet for the first date, but Gideon shouldn’t have taken it for granted. If he’d stayed, he could’ve stepped in.