So. Hot.

“Good girl. That’s it. Nice, slow deep breaths.”



As she started to fight off the panic attack, she realized that this stranger had just seen her at her most vulnerable.

“I need to leave now.”

“Whoa. Just hang here with me for a minute, ma’am.”

“Oh, my God. Will you please stop calling me ma’am? I know I’m old. But you’re killing me here.”

“All right, what’s your name, then?”

Hmm. Did she tell him her real name? People just didn’t interact like this in the city. She was convinced no one would pull over to check on her if her car was on the side of the road. Nor would they talk her through a panic attack. Or want to check her pulse.


This stranger had shown her more care and attention than anyone else in her life other than Reuben.

Which might say more about her life than it did about him.

“I’m Dominic Brand.” He held out his hand.

She stared at it. Reaching out slowly, she took hold. She tried to give him a firm handshake, but she was trembling a bit too much for that.

He frowned down at her hand. “You’re still shaking.”

“I’m fine.” She tried to snatch her hand back, but he turned it over, running his finger over the tips of hers.

What the heck?

Why could she feel that through her body? It honestly felt like he was stroking her clit.

Get yourself together.

Like a man this gorgeous would ever look twice at you with your dumpy thighs and pudgy tummy.

She managed to pull her hand free, staring at him in shock.

“You going to tell me your name, ma’am?”

Oh, now he was just ma’aming her to get a reaction.

“Gwen Anderson.”

“Well, Gwen Anderson, when was the last time you ate, or drank some water?” he asked.

Okay, this was getting to be too much. Too intimate. Too weird.

She just needed to just get far away from this man who smelled so good she wanted to lick him like a lollipop.

Seriously, Gwen.

What is wrong with you?

“At lunch,” she lied. “I really must go. I’m late.”

“You’re heading into Wishingbone? Are you staying there or passing through?” he asked.

“Cowboy, we haven’t known each other long enough for you to go all stalker on me. Now, I’ve got to go . . . thanks for stopping, though. I appreciate it.”

“All right, Gwen.” He gave her a steady look. “I’ll let you go, but I’m going to have to insist that you eat and drink something first, understand? You’re too shaky for my liking.”

“I don’t have anything to eat or drink with me,” she lied. There were drinks and snacks in her trunk. And a baton. “I’ve only got a few miles to go.”

“So you are staying in Wishingbone?”

“Jeepers, you ask a lot of questions.” And she should be wary of a man asking her so many questions when she was alone.

Even though there was something that felt very safe about him. As though he would do anything he could to protect her.

Which was utterly ridiculous.

She could protect herself.

Yeah, Reuben would laugh his head off if he could hear her thoughts right now.

“Just a guess, since that’s the closest town,” he said. “Not because I’m a stalker.”

She eyed him suspiciously. “I feel like that’s something a stalker might say.”

“I’ve got a chocolate bar and a fresh bottle of water in my truck. Wait here.”

Yeah . . . the last thing her butt needed was chocolate. Although . . . damn, now her stomach was rumbling at the thought.

“All right.”

He stood and shut the door, and she waited for him to reach the end of her car. Then she put her car into drive, slammed down on the accelerator and took off with a whoop!

Adrenaline flooded her, pushing away the shakes and clearing her mind.

She risked a look in the rearview mirror to find him staring after her, his hands on his trim hips.

Oh yeah, he looked mad.

A slither of guilt filled her. Sure, he could have been a nice, genuine guy. Maybe he really had been going to get her some chocolate and water.

But she couldn’t take the risk that it was all for show. That underneath all the sexiness, he was a stalker who liked to kidnap chubby forty-five-year-olds.

Nope. Smarter to get herself out of that situation.

Better safe than sorry.

However . . . from that glimpse of his face that she’d gotten, she thought that if he ever saw her again, she might very well be sorry.

She clenched her butt cheeks together. This was all Reuben’s fault. Everywhere she looked, she was seeing Daddy Doms.

She bet there were barely any of them out there. The only Daddy Doms she’d ever met in person were Reuben and Alejandro. Although, sometimes she had her suspicions about Juliet’s boyfriends, from the way Reuben spoke about them.

The tiny town of Wishingbone wasn’t going to be a swimming pool full of Daddy Doms, that was for sure.