“Well, if you think it’s so small why don’t you put it in your butt, Daddy.”

He grinned. “I’ve had a far bigger plug in my ass.”

“Wait. What? You have? When? Can I watch?”

He chuckled. “You are not plugging my ass. It was when I did some Dominant training. I was plugged, spanked, had my nipples clamped. I’ve done most things just so I could know what it would feel like when I do them to you.” Leaning down, he kissed her forehead. “Now, I’m going to plug you. Relax.” He disappeared around behind her.

Relax? Was he nuts? How could she relax?

He parted her ass cheeks again. “Breathe in. Now out.”

The plug slid into her ass. Okay, so it wasn’t as big or invasive as she’d thought. She wasn’t being torn in two.

She might have slightly exaggerated.

But hey, it wasn’t like she had much experience with being plugged so how was she meant to know?

The plug settled in her bottom and she let out a small sigh. Was he going to touch her now? Did he know how turned on she was?

“What now, Daddy? How long do I have to lie here?”

“Well, I thought I could read you a chapter of one of Caley’s books.”

She stiffened.

No. What? He had to be kidding her.

He moved around and sat next to her on the bed before reaching over to the nightstand to grab a pair of reading glasses.

He looked so damn sexy in those glasses that it was killing her. Then he picked up a book of CJ Bennett’s that she hadn’t read yet.

Was he really going to read to her while she lay here plugged?

This was so mean!

“Oh look, we jump almost immediately into a sex scene with this one. Four men and one woman. Sounds interesting.”


Definitely torture.


Hands grabbed at her, dragging her toward a van.

She couldn’t scream. She tried to breathe but something was smothering her. Panic flooded her.



They couldn’t get her into the van. They were going to kill her!

“Gwen, wake up!”

Kill her.

Kill her.


She opened her eyes with a scream, sitting up and looking round her. Her heart was racing so hard she felt ill. The room swayed around her.

Her stomach bubbled with nausea, and she took some shallow breaths to try and stop herself from vomiting.

“Darling girl. You’re all right. You’re safe. I’m here. I’m not going to let anyone harm you.” Dominic drew her carefully onto his lap, holding her tight. “Slow breaths. In. Out. That’s it. You’re safe, Shortcake.”

A whimper escaped before she could draw it back. Shit. She hated these nightmares. They were coming more frequently now. And it was killing her that she never saw her assailants faces. They all had dark voids where their faces were.

“Oh, baby. I have you. Daddy has you.” He kept talking to her in a quiet voice until she came back into herself.

Enough to realize that she was feeling sweaty and disgusting.

Well, at least she hadn’t vomited.

It was the small things you sometimes had to celebrate.

She tried to wriggle away from him. He really shouldn’t have to hold her when she was all gross like this. “I need a shower. I stink.”

“I don’t care,” he told her fiercely. “Do you think I’m worried about a bit of sweat when you are being traumatized over and over, every time you fall asleep.”

Oh, shit.

She attempted to wrap her arms around him, to comfort him. He was so strong, but he was affected by all of this as well. She couldn’t forget that.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “Would you rather I sleep in the other bedroom?”

“Little girl, you best shut up right now before I forget that you’re injured and spank your ass red. The only place you are sleeping is right next to me, wrapped up in my arms where I can keep you safe. Why would you even say that?”

“Yes, Daddy. I’m sorry.” A shiver ran through her.

“You’re cold.”

“A little.”

“Let’s get you in the shower.” He lifted her up into his arms and carried her into the bathroom.

After setting her down on the counter by the bathroom sink, he turned on the shower. Then he carefully drew off her Strawberry Shortcake nightgown which had arrived yesterday.

“Good girl. I’m going to put you down so I can take your panties off.”

These panties had a strawberry on the front and were padded like the other ones. After putting her on her feet, he crouched and slid the panties down her legs so she could step out of them.

“Good girl. Come on. Let Daddy look after you.” He led her into the shower and started to slowly wash her. After a while, the numbness started to dissipate. Heat built from deep inside her as he ran his hands all over her skin.

She welcomed the heat . . . let it chase away the darkness that had still lingered after her nightmare. Finally, he drew her close to him, so her back was pressed against his chest. Reaching around her, he washed her breasts.