“Can I . . .um, can I . . .”

“Can you what?”

“Wear a pair of my new panties and pajamas?” She really wanted to put on the onesie but thought it would be easier to get the pajamas on. Her ribs were still sore and that didn’t always make moving around fun.

“Of course you can, darling girl.”

Dominic picked her up carefully and carried her into the bathroom, setting her down in front of the toilet. “You go potty. I’ll come back in soon. Do not try to get off the potty without me.”

“I can go toilet by myself, Daddy.”

“Do not test me on this, Shortcake. There are still ways to punish you while you’re recovering. Things you won’t like.”

Okay. She wouldn’t be testing him.

Not today anyway.


Dominic adored taking care of his girl in all ways. After she was finished using the bathroom, he carried her back into the bedroom and laid her down on the bed on her back. She was still blushing from him helping her clean up.

Silly girl.

He’d been helping her in the hospital. But she had been more out of it then. Now, she was more aware.

He carefully took off her T-shirt and her panties. Her blush increased. He ran his hand lightly over her stomach. “Beautiful.”

She bit her lip but didn’t protest.

That was a small bit of progress anyway. Grabbing the panties he’d bought for her, he drew them up her legs, settling them over her bottom. They had a thicker padding for her bottom and pussy in case of accidents. Not that he expected any accidents.

But he also didn’t care if there was.

He slid her pajama bottoms up her legs before helping her sit. He hated the way she winced, it was obviously irritating her ribs and maybe her head.

“I have some more painkillers for you. Let’s just get your pajama top on.”

“I should have had a shower.”

“I don’t have a bath and I don’t like the idea of you taking a shower.” She could faint and hit her head. “I’ll give you a sponge bath later.”

After he’d gotten her into her pajamas, he grabbed her medication and held a glass to her lips with water. Then he sat with her in the bed, leaning against him as he held the bottle up to her mouth.


She looked at the bottle with a small frown. “What’s in it?”

“So suspicious. It’s a vitamin drink. It’s good for you.”

“Sounds like it will be disgusting.”

“Just try it.”

She sighed. “You know there have been studies done that have shown that caffeine is good for you.”

“Is that so? Unfortunately, you’re not allowed caffeine while you have a concussion.”

“It’s all a giant conspiracy,” she said sleepily. But she opened her mouth and then sucked.

A murmur of pleasure escaped her, filling him with satisfaction. She ended up falling asleep while sucking on the bottle so he replaced it with the pacifier.

He just sat there for a long time, listening to her sleep, watching her.

Never again.

He would never lose her again.


Gwen slammed open the conference door.

“Hey! You can’t interrupt! Ms. Anderson!”

She ignored Chad’s assistant as the other woman attempted to stop her from entering Chad’s office.

She ignored the people sitting around the large desk who gaped up at her in shock.

All of her attention was on her smarmy asshole of a boss.

“Rogers? You gave the promotion to Randy Rogers?” she snapped.

Chad glared up at her. “I’m busy right now, Gwen. Leave.”

“I will not leave. I want to know why you gave Rogers can’t-keep-his-dick-in-his-pants my job!”

“Leave Gwen! Or I’ll call security.” Chad’s face was turning purple.

How the hell had he gotten four different women to marry him? He was a disgusting pig.

“Tell me why!”

“I’m very sorry, gentlemen. Must be that time of the month for Ms. Anderson.” Chad laughed but no one else joined in. His face hardened. “Listen, Gwen, the simple fact is that he’s just outperforming you.”

“Outperforming me? Outperforming me? How? In the sack? Yeah, he’s made his way through all the associates by now. Is that what you mean? Is that what I have to do to get a promotion? I don’t have to work my ass off? I just have to have a dick and fuck anything that moves. Good to know.”

“Gwen!” Chad roared. “Get out!”

“Oh, gladly. I’m leaving. I quit. And you can suck on my fat titties!”

She slammed the door as she left the office. She heaved for breath, ignoring all the stares from those around her as she made her way down the passage.

Her heart was racing, and a wave of dizziness washed through her as she reached the elevator. The world around her started to blur.

What was going on? There was a ringing in her ears and nausea bubbled in her stomach.


Maybe it would be better if she just faded away into the black. Chad leaned over her, smirking down at her.