“I’m going to do that.”

Reuben nodded. “I can see you both care about each other. I heard it in her voice when she talked about you. But I cannot lose her.”

“You’re not going to lose me,” she told him croakily, her good eye opening.

“I better fucking not, Gwendolyn Mary Anderson,” Reuben told her. “Or I am going to resurrect you just so I can kill you again.”

Gwen smiled. Then she turned her head to Dominic.

“Sorry if we woke you, darling girl.”

“It’s okay. Do you think you could leave us for a little bit? Please?”

He frowned and she squeezed his hand. “I just want a few moments with Reuben.”

“All right. I’ll go get some coffee and come straight back.”

“Ooh, I’d love a coffee,” she said.

“You will not,” they said together.

“You know . . . the two of you aren’t really alike and yet you almost seem like you are right now.”

“Maybe we’re just on the same page when it comes to you,” Dominic told her.

Reuben snorted but didn’t argue.

“You’ll stay with her?” Dominic asked, watching the way the other man’s jaw clenched. Wasn’t so nice when someone questioned your integrity, was it?

“Of course I will. I’d protect her with my life.”

Leaning over her, he kissed her lightly. “So would I.” He paused by the other man. “Do you want coffee?”

Reuben nodded. “Black.”

“Like his soul,” Gwen joked. Well, it wasn’t really a joke since it was probably true.

Gwen stared up at Reuben after Dominic had left. “This isn’t your fault.”

She knew the way he worked. He was in control of everything. So if anything went wrong, then it was his fault.

“Isn’t it? I sent you here.”

“Reuben. I wouldn’t have come if I didn’t want to. And you were right . . . the city isn’t a healthy place for me to live in anymore. I’d probably have gotten another job and continued to work myself to the bone. This was what I needed. And Dom is who I want.” She closed her eyes, wincing. “Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize, Andy. Did they not give you any fucking pain relief?”

She didn’t tell him that this pain was a cramp in her lower stomach. Oh God. After all this and her period was still here?

How was that fair?

“I’m all right. I just . . . Dominic is a good guy, Reuben.”

“He should have been looking after you.”

“He wasn’t here. And you know me . . . I can find trouble anywhere.”

She attempted a smile, but he didn’t appear amused. “Please try to get along with him. It will hurt me if you two don’t get along.”

“You don’t play very fair. He means that much to you?”

“So much. I think I love him.”

“You only think?” Reuben asked.

No, she knew, but it was scary to admit the truth.

Be brave.

“I do love him. I can’t imagine my life without him.”

“Fuck. You want to stay here. With him. Don’t you?”

“Yes. I do.”

“I don’t like it. Someone here hurt you.” He paced back and forth. “Useless sheriff can’t find anything.”

“He’s not useless.”

“I want to raze this fucking town to the ground and see what cockroaches scuttle to the surface.”

“Sounds so reasonable. Totally do that.”

“I can’t decide if that’s sarcasm or your brain injury talking.”

“Neither can I,” she whispered.

“If you’re going to stay here, you have to promise me you’ll stay safe. I’m still debating bodyguards and nurses.”

“Dom is a bodyguard.”

“So he says. For all I know he could be a shit one.”

“Reuben,” she chided. “You know that he’s not.”

She was getting so tired. It was harder to think of her words.

“I love you.”

“Don’t go getting all sappy on me, Andy. I’m still sticking around for a few days. I want to make sure the sheriff is doing a good job.”

“Sounds like a fun time. For you.”

“Maybe I’ll hire a private investigator.”

“You could,” she agreed.

He grunted. “You’ll tell me as soon as you remember something?”


“And you’ll tell Dominic the full truth about your health, won’t you, Gwen?”


She opened her good eye and stared up at him.

“You will do it.” It was a straight command.

“Not nice to bully an injured person.”


“I was always going to tell him. But all right. I promise.”

There was a knock on the door and Dominic walked in. “All good?”

“All good,” she said hoarsely. “Are you sure you didn’t bring me coffee?”

“Caffeine isn’t good for a concussion,” Dominic said, handing over a coffee to Reuben.

“Everyone is being mean to me,” she complained.

Reuben took a sip of coffee and grimaced. “Don’t worry. It tastes like shit.”

“Last time I bring you coffee,” Dominic said, taking his seat again.

“You two won’t fight anymore? Please. You both mean everything to me . . .”

“We aren’t going to fight, Andy. We’re going to work together to protect you. Aren’t we, Dominic?”

“Sure. As long as you realize I’m not going anywhere. And Gwen will be with me.”