“That’s my best guess,” Ed said grimly. “I’ve got an APB out on him and I’ve called in all of my deputies. I’m getting the camera footage pulled. I’ll need to check Gwen’s phone too.”

He nodded as his phone buzzed. Kent checking in. He answered and relayed everything they knew as Ed went through her phone.

Dominic blew out a deep breath as he ended the call.

“Kent and Remy are going to be here soon. They’re the only two not vomiting. I’ll call Brick as well. Fuck, why didn’t I think of him earlier?”

“He’s out too,” Ed told him. “Seems like Juliet had that flu that’s going around and has passed it on to him.”

“Shit. Fuck.”

“Don’t panic. We’ll find this asshole. Have you got any idea of what Gwen’s passcode on her phone is?”

“Uh. No.” Shit. Why didn’t he know?

Where was she? He could feel himself starting to panic and took a deep breath. He couldn’t help her if he was freaking out.

“Come back to the station with me, we’ll get it figured out,” Ed told him.

“Corbin could help, but he’s not fucking here.” What the hell? Why did everyone have to be taken out by a stomach bug right when he needed them?

Agony engulfed her, making her scream in pain.

What the hell? What was happening?

Why did every inch of her hurt? Nausea bubbled as her head throbbed.

Vomit erupted from her mouth.

She might’ve thought that was gross, if she’d had the energy to care. Small whimpers came from her mouth.

“You’re trouble, ain’t you, girlie?”

She knew that voice. But she couldn’t figure it out. She screamed again as she was placed down on something. She shivered. She was so cold. What was wrong with her?

“Fuck. You’re going into shock. Just calm down, girlie. I’m going to get you help. First, you fall off your bike, then you land in my field all beaten up. What is wrong with you?”

A lot.

A lot was wrong with her.

But right now, her main issue was the agonizing pain racking her body.


“Sorry. Not your Daddy. Gonna get you help. Then you need to find someone to take care of you. Not me.”

Why did she know his voice? She wasn’t sure, her brain felt so confused. There was the sound of a motor starting. Was she in a vehicle?

She cried out again as they started moving. She started dry heaving since her stomach seemed to be mostly empty.

“Ahh, girlie. Gross. At least you got most of it on yourself and not on poor Stella.”

Stella? Who was Stella? And who was this guy?

And what the hell had happened to her?

Dominic was losing his mind.

Where was she? Where had they taken her? And why had no one fucking seen anything?

“I just can’t seem to zoom in on this guy, Ed,” Jesse, one of his deputies, said with frustration. “He’s basically off camera for the majority of the time. But it doesn’t seem like he was the one to take her, anyway.”

No. That had been the assholes in the van. The plate had been obscured and the bastard who had grabbed her was wearing a balaclava over his face.


He’d nearly exploded when he’d seen her fighting back, unable to get free of that asshole’s hold. He felt ill even now thinking about it.

She must have been so scared.

His poor girl. Once he got her back in his arms, he was never going to let her go.

And he would get her back.

There was no other option.

“I’m going to go looking for her.” He couldn’t sit still. They’d managed to follow the van using traffic cams, but then they’d lost it as it headed out of town.

Where had they taken her?

Was she still alive?

Fuck. He was going to vomit. He had to go do something. Now.

“Wait! Dominic! Fuck!” Ed snapped.

Kent and Remy along with Loki and several of his friends were already out there searching for this Darius or the van. More of the town was being rallied.

He was going to do the same and he didn’t care what Ed thought.

He was dimly aware of a phone ringing and Ed answering it. But all he wanted was to get out there and fucking do something.

She couldn’t be dead.

There was no way he was losing her when he’d only just found her.

“What? When? Fuck, yes. We’ve all been searching for her. She’s all right? Okay. Yep. Dominic!”

He came running back, his heart racing.

Please let her be alive.

Ed stared over at him. “She’s alive.”

Oh, thank fuck. He had to bend over and suck some air slowly into his lungs.

“Come on, I’ll drive you. She’s at the hospital.”

“Gwen? Can you hear me?”

She whimpered. Who was that? And why were they being so loud?

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. Is that better?” He spoke quieter.

“Barely,” she whispered hoarsely. Why did her throat hurt so much?

“Do you know where you are?”

“I don’t feel so good.” Why did her voice sound weird? Like she was slurring. And it felt like it was taking all her concentration to talk.