And she wasn’t going to find a Daddy here, even if she was looking.

Which she most certainly was not.

No holiday fling with a sexy cowboy stalker for her.


That little brat.

Dominic shook his head as he looked at where her car had sped off.

He should have expected her to pull a move like that. And part of him didn’t blame her. She wasn’t from around here. She didn’t know who he was. That he’d cut off his right arm before ever harming a woman.

But he couldn’t help but feel worried about her. She hadn’t seemed well. And now she was racing off in her car.

Brat better damn well slow down.

Sure, he could drive after her, but that might be more dangerous. She already seemed to think he was some sort of stalker . . . he might push her into doing something reckless.

He did think about calling Jace and having someone pull her over . . . because there was no doubt she was speeding. But by the time he did that, she’d already be gone.

Lord, if she was his . . .

His hand itched to spank her ass.

Shit. He climbed into his truck and just took a moment before starting it.

When was the last time he’d felt the urge to take a woman over his knee?

He’d dated several times since Jane died. And yeah . . . a couple of those women had been subs. But he’d broken things off with his last girlfriend four years ago and hadn’t had the urge to date anyone since.

None of them had ever caused a reaction like this, either. He wasn’t a young guy anymore. At fifty-four, he didn’t expect to get hard as soon as he spotted an attractive woman.

Yet here he was, sitting in his truck with an uncomfortable erection.

“Back on board, are we, Buddy?”

And yep . . . he was the weird old guy who apparently now talked to his dick.

Who he’d named Buddy.

Seriously. His day had started out normal and gotten really fucking weird.

With a huff of laughter, he pulled his truck onto the road, moving far slower than the little firecracker in her red Porsche.

It suited her. Racy and fast.

A bit like her mouth. The girl could ramble. It was kind of adorable.

He groaned at himself. He was too old to get back into the dating game, but perhaps he needed a weekend in Bozeman at the club. He’d find himself a sub to play with.

Or he could visit the Littles playroom.

Was that what he wanted? A Little? He hadn’t felt the desire to be anyone’s Daddy again. Not since Jane. Hadn’t wanted to hear anyone else call him Daddy.

So why did he feel like that was all going to change?

God damn it.

Another speeding ticket?

Gwen was in a hell of a bad mood as she stomped her way into her hotel room, dragging her suitcase behind her.

That asshole deputy hadn’t believed her when she’d told him that she had a perfectly good reason for her speeding.

Well, it probably didn’t help that she couldn’t come up with said reason.

She sighed. She felt kind of bad for taking off on her cowboy stalker like she had.

And she really wished she’d waited for some of that chocolate.

“Don’t be silly, Gwen. You don’t know him. It could have been laced with a sedative. Or a laxative.”

Hmm. Maybe she should try some laxatives . . . they might help her lose some of this extra weight she was carting around.

Okay. Whoa.

Now she was just getting into crazy territory. No way was she spending the day on the toilet just to lose a few pounds.

She breathed out a sigh. What was wrong with her? She didn’t use to be like this.

She’d let Chad, her former boss, get into her head.

“Fucking asshole. What kind of name is Chad, anyway?” she muttered as she lay back on the bed. “It’s the name of a dickhead. That’s what it is.”

All of those jibes about her weight, her looks . . . they had gotten to her more than she thought they would have.

Gwen had always thought she had pretty thick skin.

Turned out . . . she didn’t. Or at least, Chad had managed to find a way through that thick skin.

To the soft, squishy part, she tried to keep hidden.

“Fuck him, anyway,” she muttered. “So what if I’m a bit chubby? I am not going to do anything crazy or drastic to lose weight. I am . . . fine the way I am.”


Well, how was that for some positive talk? She was . . . fine.

She groaned and drew a pillow over her face. She probably should have told Reuben about what the dickhead used to say to her. But she’d wanted to play nice . . . to get ahead in her career, and she knew that she’d need Chad’s endorsement to get a promotion.