Gwen felt completely out of her comfort zone, however. She glanced down at her designer jeans and her boots that had never even gotten muddy in her life and felt silly.

“Hey, what’s wrong? You nervous?” Dominic turned to her and cupped her chin, tilting her face back.

“A bit.”

He studied her. He’d wanted to come pick her up, but she’d insisted on driving herself. It made her feel better to know that if she had to, she could leave at any time.

It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Dominic, but it was just something that made her feel better.

And luckily, he hadn’t argued.

“I don’t really know what I’m doing, and I don’t think I’m dressed properly to go riding.”

He raised his eyebrows. “You look like you’re dressed just fine to me. I like these jeans.”

“You do?”

“Oh, yeah. Although maybe you should do a bit of a twirl, so I can check them over.” He nodded his head. “Those are good. Face away from me and maybe just lean over a bit.”

She finally figured out what he was looking at. Turning back, she gave him a mock-stern look and wagged a finger. “Mr. Brand, were you checking out my ass?”

He grinned. “Guilty. And a mighty fine ass it is.”

Heat filled her cheeks, but she felt a lot happier. Reaching out, he drew her close with his hand around the back of her neck. “You look gorgeous, darling girl. And there is nothing at all wrong with what you’re wearing, okay?”

“Okay. I’m still not sure about this riding thing, though.”

“That’s okay. You don’t have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. We can just go and meet the horses. All right?”

Relief filled her. “Okay.”

He took hold of her hand and led her to the barn. They walked through and he pointed out a few horses. A large man stepped out of one stall. He looked familiar. Had she seen him before?

“Remy,” Dominic greeted him. “This is Gwen. Gwen, this is Remy. He works for Sanctuary Ranch.”

“Oh, you’re Isa’s boyfriend,” she said without thinking.

Remy’s eyes darkened and she gulped.

“She seems really sweet.”

Dominic drew her close and wrapped his arm around her. “Remy, you’re going to want to tone it down. You aren’t allowed to scare Gwen.”

“I’m not scared,” she retorted. Although it wasn’t exactly true.

Never show fear.

It was a mantra she’d learned to live by.

“And you’re not allowed to lie, Gwen,” Dominic said firmly.


Remy raised an eyebrow, looking her over before pulling back all that darkness with a nod. “Isa is lovely. And she is mine. Even if she doesn’t quite realize it yet.”

Holy. Heck.

Remy walked past them without another word, and she couldn’t help but stare after him for a moment.

“Does Isa know how, um, focussed he is on having her?”

“Hmm. I think I might need to have someone check in with her. Not that Remy would hurt her.”

“No. I don’t think that was his intent at all.”

Dominic turned her, his finger going under her chin. Her breath caught as she saw the stern look on his face. “You lied just now, Gwen.”

“A small white lie.”

He stared at her. He didn’t look like he agreed.

“It’s dangerous to show weakness,” she told him.

Awareness filled his face. “Is that what you think, huh? That being scared is being weak? And that it’s something you can’t show to other people?”

“It’s not just what I think, it’s true.”

“Is it? So you think it’s better to hide your fear?”

“You can’t let anyone see your weaknesses, they’ll use them against you.” Chad had done that often.

Softness filled his face. “Oh, baby. Is that the way you’ve had to live?” He cupped her face between his hands. “Being afraid or worried or upset . . . that’s not a weakness. That’s being human. We all feel those things.”

“I know . . . it’s just, I can’t show them.”

“Only because you’ve never had someone that you were safe with. Who won’t use those emotions against you.”


How did he see her so clearly? He’d known her for days. She’d known people for years who had never seen past the tough front to her vulnerable insides.

“But you’re safe with me. Maybe you don’t believe it yet, but I’ll prove it to you. I won’t ever throw your emotions back in your face or use them to hurt or manipulate you. All I want to do is protect you.”

“Seriously,” she said in a choked voice. “I’m pretty sure you’re a robot.”

He blinked. “And that is not what I was expecting you to say.”

“Urgh, sorry. That wasn’t . . . it’s just if you keep saying such nice things, I’m going to find it really hard to leave.”

“Let’s not talk about leaving, huh?” He ran his thumb over her cheek.

“Yeah, let’s not.”

“So what I want from you, is to try not to keep your emotions from me. If you’re feeling mad, tell me. Unhappy, I want to know. Sad, scared, happy. You can tell me all of it.”