“We’ve got to change that.”

Yeah, it seemed like they did.


When they reached the hotel room, she felt nervous. On edge. Silly, really.

It wasn’t like he was going to jump on her, or hurt her, or even push her into anything she wasn’t ready for. She knew that wasn’t him.

But that wasn’t really the reason she felt nervous. It was because she almost wanted him to do that. To take the choice away. Because if she made the choice . . . well, she’d have to worry about what she was doing. It had been a long time since she’d fucked someone.

“Stop stressing so much,” he told her as they entered her room, placing his hand around the back of her neck. “It’s just a nap. I don’t even have to stay. I can go home or take another room for the night.”

“That’s a waste of money.”

He grinned. “I don’t see it that way. If it means I get to spend more time with you, then nothing could be a waste of money.”

“Dear Lord. Are you sure you’re real?”

“Pretty sure,” he replied. “Want to pinch me?”

She didn’t know why she did it. She just couldn’t help herself. Reaching behind him, she pinched his ass.

He sucked in a breath, heat filling his gaze.

“Yep, you’re real.”

“Well, now you’ve done it.”

“I have? What have I done?” she asked.

He drew her into him. “You’ve made me realize I need to kiss these sweet, plump lips.”

How was his kiss so gentle yet so hot? He wrapped an arm around her back and dipped her slightly as he kissed her.

Long. Hard. Deep.

When he drew back, she knew she would be a pile of goo at his feet if he wasn’t holding her up.

“Wow. You sure know how to kiss.”

Amusement lit his face. “Thank you, darling girl. Come on, time for your nap. Do you need to use the toilet?”

She was nodding before she could even think about his question. Feeling her face heat up, she didn’t resist as he turned her toward the bathroom and gave her bottom a light slap. “Off you go. Wait. Take whatever you want to wear with you and get changed.”

“Changed?” she asked, having trouble keeping up with him. Why was her mind so foggy?

Probably because she needed an energy drink.

“I’m sure you don’t want to sleep in your clothes. Especially your bra. I know how annoying they can be.”

Ooh, God no. Sleep in her bra? That would be pure torture.

“I’m happy to help you get changed if you need it. But I wasn’t certain you were ready for that.”

Have him see her fully naked?

No fucking thank you.

Grabbing a pair of lightweight pajamas, she rushed into the bathroom.

What was she doing? A nap in the middle of the day? She didn’t have time for this. She had to . . .

Wait. There wasn’t much she had to do. Sure, she had that task to do for Reuben. But Delicious was closed right now and she wasn’t sure that showing her face back there so quickly was the best idea.

No. She needed to do a bit of background research.

So for the first time in a long time, she didn’t really have anywhere to be or anything to do.

That was weird.

And that was why Reuben had given her something to focus on. Because without that she’d flounder.

“Shortcake? You okay in there? You feeling all right?”

Actually, she was feeling a bit spacey and light-headed. Likely, it was just lack of sleep, but it made her wonder if she’d remembered to take her pills this morning. She didn’t think missing some would affect her this quickly. . . but she also had to take them.

“Um, yes. I’ll be out in a moment. Sorry.”

“It’s all right, there’s no reason to say sorry.”

Great, he probably thought she was having problems going to the toilet or something. She quickly grabbed her pills and washed them down with some water. She had to do better than this. If she didn’t, she had no doubts that Reuben was going to hire someone to watch over her.

A nurse or bodyguard. Someone who’d ensure that she did everything Reuben thought she should to keep herself safe.

Because anyone that belonged to him was taken care of by him . . . in that unique way of his.

What would it be like to belong to Dominic?

Urgh, she couldn’t think like that. This wasn’t her home. He wasn’t her man. Her Dom.

Her Daddy.

She gulped. Lord, but she wanted him to be.

Dominic watched her walk out of the bathroom.

She looked so nervous. Was that why she’d taken so long?

“Would you do me a favor, darling girl?” he asked from where he sat in an armchair. He studied the tense way she held herself.

This wouldn’t do.

“Yes. Of course. What is it?”

“Come give me a cuddle. I could really use one.” He held his arms open, letting it be her choice.