Did he really just say that?

That he would lick her pussy until she came all over his face?

“Dominic!” she squeaked out.

“What is it? What put that look on your face? The idea of me licking your pussy? Or you coming all over my face?”

“Oh my God. I can’t believe you’re talking like that!”

He grinned. “Why not?”

“Because . . . because you seem like such a gentleman. I mean, a bossy gentleman but still . . .”

“I can’t be a gentleman and still want to eat you out until you come, screaming my name?”

“I . . . I . . . just didn’t expect it.” Her mind was racing, catching up with everything he’d just said. “You really want to do that . . . with me?”

“I don’t like that you sound so shocked. I think the question would be what was wrong with me if I didn’t want to do that with you? But I don’t want you thinking this is just about sex.”

She stared up at him worriedly. “But it can’t be anything more than that. I’ll have to leave soon.”

Which made her feel ridiculously upset. So silly. She’d only been here a couple of days.

“When do you leave?”

“Uh, well, I don’t know yet.”

“We’ll take each day as it comes, then. I like spending time with you. Hopefully, you feel the same way about me?”

“Well, yes, I do.” Shoot. This had gotten serious fast. She needed to do something to lighten the mood. “I mean, it helps that you’re smoking hot.”

“Ahh, so you only want me for my looks.” He grinned. “I’ll take it.”

She found herself giggling.

“But I do want one promise from you,” he said.

“What is it?” She stiffened, wondering what he could possibly want.

“That you will not leave town without telling me. No sneaking off, understand me? Not unless you want to be chased. While I might like a bit of chase and play in the bedroom, I can assure you I will not be happy if you run.”

“That sounded rather stalkerish.”

“Do you promise me?”

“I promise.”

“That’s my good girl. Now, I’ll show you how to put this lock on and then you can get into your PJs so I can put you to bed.”

“You’re going to put me to bed?” Her body went on high alert at those words. She couldn’t remember the last time someone had put her to bed. Maybe when she was very young, she guessed.

“Hey. You okay? You’ve gone all tense.”

“I, um, yeah.”

He demonstrated how to set the special lock, which meant that even if someone with key card access to the room tried to open the door, they’d be locked out.

“You got this for me?” She stared up at him in amazement.

“Yes, of course. I put a call in to a friend who has a hardware store here, and he dropped it off for me down at reception.”

“Is there anyone in town you don’t know?” she asked dryly. It was an odd concept for her. In the city, she didn’t even know her next-door neighbors.

“I’m sure there are a few.” He winked. “So, why don’t you practice setting the lock.”

“Oh, I watched you do it. I’m all right.” She waved a hand dismissively.

Turning, he cupped her chin, tilting her face back to give her a stern look.


If he ever found out what those stern looks did to her, she would probably find herself in a world of trouble.

“No,” he said. “You will show me you can do it yourself. Right now.”

“Whoa. You take safety seriously, huh?”

“I do. Now, please show me that you can put the lock on.”

He might have said please, but she knew an order when she heard it.

She took the lock and secured it.

“See?” She looked up at him with a triumphant smile. “I can do it.”

“Good,” he said with satisfaction. “Promise me you’ll use it tonight and every other night.”

She sighed. “I don’t know . . . all these promises and I’m not getting anything for them.”

Shoot. She hadn’t actually meant to say that.

Dominic’s face softened. “Well, we might have to change that. Be a good girl and promise me.”

“I promise.” At that moment, she would have promised him the moon if he continued to look at her like that.

“All right, darling girl, go use the bathroom and get in your PJs, then you’ll get your reward for being so good for me.”

Dear. Lord.

This man had to be her kryptonite. There was no other explanation for the way her legs went all weak when she was around him.

Turning, she raced off to the bathroom.

Well . . . okay, she didn’t race. More like hobbled at a fast pace. Her heart was racing, and suddenly, a wave of dizziness hit her. She took a moment to take a few deep, slow breaths.

Just chill.

Moving to the bathroom drawer, she pulled out the pill dispenser that Reuben had given her. She felt like a bit of an idiot for having to use it. But ever since she’d called him in a panic one day, thinking she’d double-dosed herself, he’d insisted that she use one.