“That’s Gwen,” Kiesha said. “She’s my new bestie. And you’re being rude.”

The man turned to her. There was something slightly wild about him. “You any good at quizzes?”

“I’m not sure. I think this is my first one.”

The man smiled. Whoa. He was breathtaking when he smiled. “All right, I’ll allow it.”

“You don’t get to allow anything! Now, go away.” Kiesha made shooing motions at him.

“You doing okay?” Dominic touched her shoulder, leaning down.

“Uh, yeah. Is it always like this?”

“Pretty much. I’m going to sit over there with all the other Dads, okay?”

Wait . . . when he said ‘dad’ did he mean they were all Daddy Doms, or was he just making a joke?

Of course he’s just making a joke, idiot.


“If you need me, I’m right there.”

She wouldn’t need him . . . but it still made her feel better.

Crap. What if she wasn’t any good at this? Would these women like her if she was a flop?

Come on, Gwen. You’re a powerhouse. You win the tough cases. You don’t back down from a challenge. And it’s just a quiz . . . that the odd people in this town seem to take very seriously.

“Don’t worry,” Georgina said, leaning over. “None of us are expecting to win without Juliet.”

“Oh, is she all right?”

“Yeah. Just a sore tummy, I think.” Georgina gave her a curious look, probably wondering why she was asking about a woman she’d never met.

But Reuben would lose his shit if something happened to his sister. So she just smiled and tried to pay attention as a guy called Red went through the rules.

It didn’t matter if she was crap at this. It was just a small town trivia night.

Nothing to take too seriously.



“Noooo!” Loki screamed. “That was rigged!”

Gwen stared over at the big guy in shock. He was genuinely messed up over losing. She felt kind of bad, especially when Kiesha started doing a victory dance.

“Yes! Pit Bull, you are my new favorite person. Whatever you want, I’ll do it. You want me to put laxatives in Jace’s coffee? It’s done.”

“What?” The big sheriff stared over at Kiesha. “Kiesha, I thought I told you no laxatives are allowed at work.”

“But, Ed, Gwen is my new bestie. If she says do it, then I’ve got to do it.”

“And I’m your boss. And if I say don’t do it, then you don’t do it.”

“Besties before bosses. I don’t make the rules, I just follow them.”

Ed snorted. “That would be the only time you ever would.”

They seemed to have an odd relationship for a boss and subordinate. She’d never have gotten away with talking to Chad like that.

He’d have eviscerated her.

And she was worried that Kiesha was about to lose her job.

Dominic sat next to her, placing his hand on the small of her back. She shivered, unable to stop herself.

“Don’t look so worried. They’re always like this. Ed is like a big brother to Kiesha.”

“Pit Bull? What do you need done? You want me to laxative Ed too? I am there. I’m sure Georgie will appreciate it. Make him a bit humbler.”

Georgina just grinned and shook her head.

“Uh, well, no.”

“You must need something,” Kiesha said.

“How about you call me Gwen instead of Pit Bull,” she suggested.

“Huh. I suppose so.” Kiesha looked slightly disgruntled. “I was kind of looking forward to getting out the laxatives again.”

She moved over to Harry who drew her onto his lap. Gwen felt a pang of longing. What would it be like to be able to curl up on a man’s lap and just let him hold her?

She wondered if her worries would melt away for a while? Or maybe she’d feel stupid.

Then again, if it was Dominic’s lap . . .

Gwen was all too aware that his hand was still on the small of her back and that he was rubbing it in soothing circles.

Shit. Her body was heating at his touch. She jumped to her feet. “I have to go. It was nice to meet you all.”

“Night, New Bestie whose name is not Pit Bull!” Kiesha yelled out.

Everyone called out goodbye.

As she moved, Dominic rose and walked next to her. She shot him a look. “You’re coming with me?”

“Wouldn’t be much of a stalker if I didn’t,” he replied. He held the door open for her as they stepped outside.

“That’s true. Although I am worried about the fact that you just announced you’re a stalker. I think stalkers are meant to be more stealthier.”

“Hmm. You could be right. Perhaps we need a new name for me.”

“Like what? Weird guy that follows me around and buys me dinner?”

“Hmm, that almost sounds like someone who might want to take you on a date. An actual real one.”

She was turning to him just as someone came racing out of the Wishing Well.

“Wait! You’re not going anywhere!” Loki appeared in front of her, his arms moving around. A tendril of worry unfurled, making her reach for her handbag.