He eyed her. “We’ll talk about this later.”

She couldn’t understand why.

“Everyone, this is my new friend, Pit Bull!” Kiesha announced.

Oh no. She wasn’t getting stuck with that nickname.

“Actually, it’s Gwen,” she said firmly, looking around at the other women sitting at the table. A petite woman wearing a sparkly dress smiled up at her. A stunning, tall woman with dark hair sat at the end of the table, studying her. She gave a slight nod before Noah walked up and placed a kiss on the top of her head. Then she seemed to melt.

Oh, so this must be his girlfriend.

The one who liked being spanked.

Another woman gave her a smile. Her long hair was pulled back in a braid. The sheriff, who had his hand on her shoulder, gave Gwen a curious look. His gaze narrowed as he looked behind her.

She glanced over, relieved to find that Dominic was still with her. She didn’t know why she felt so much better with him around. Like he was her support stalker.

Hmm . . . there was a thought.

She didn’t know why she was nervous. She was a shark in the courtroom. She’d spent time with the worst of the worst—like her boss. But there was something about other women that put her on edge. She just didn’t know how to act around them.

“Hi, Gwen,” the woman with the sheriff said. “I’m Georgina. This is Cleo.” The serious woman nodded at her. “And Isa.”

“Hi, so nice to meet you. You’re new to Wishingbone? Are you just passing through or moving here? And did you know that Dominic is standing behind you like the world’s sexiest bodyguard? Wait, is he your bodyguard? Damn, bodyguard romances are the best.”

She gaped down at Isa in shock.

“Don’t mind her,” Cleo said. “Someone let her have an energy drink. She’ll take a few hours to stop climbing the walls.”

“Hey! No one lets me do anything!” Isa retorted. “I do what I like.”

“Someone needs to watch over you to keep you out of trouble. Oh wait . . . someone already is.” Cleo nodded over at a dark-haired man standing in the shadows . . . and staring straight at Isa.


He was intense.

“Remy is not watching me. He just happens to be here when I am.”

“And he likes staring at you,” Cleo drawled. “When are you going to give the poor guy a chance and go on a date with him?”

Isa’s smile dropped. “It’s complicated.”

“Isn’t it always,” Gwen said with a sigh.

They all stared up at her.

“Yeah? And how is it complicated for you, Gwen?” Isa asked “Is it because you’re drawn to Dominic, the bodyguard, while your stalker gets ever closer but somehow, you find yourself drawn to him as well? And suddenly you end up in a love triangle. You’ve got to choose or somehow find a way for the three of you to get along.”

Everyone gaped down at Isa.

“What?” Isa asked.

“You’ve been reading way too many romance books,” Cleo told her.

Isa’s shoulders slumped. “What? It could happen! Juliet has two guys. They didn’t really get along to begin with and now they’re one big happy family.”

“Have you got something you want to tell us?” Georgina asked her.

“Nope. I’m good.”

There was an awkward silence.

What did she do? Sit down? Leave? Yikes.

“Dominic isn’t my boyfriend or anything,” she said. “I don’t think he’s a stalker either. Although . . . he keeps turning up where I am. And so far, he’s tried to tempt me with chocolate, he’s knocked into me and ruined my dinner. Then he bought me another dinner and saved my life, figured out where I stayed, and brought me my dinner back after I left before eating it. Oh, and now he insists on paying for all my drinks. He wouldn’t let me buy dinner, either!”

She let out a huff.

Georgina looked up at her, then back at Dominic. “Wow, sounds just awful.”

Shoot. She couldn’t let her think that. “Oh no, it really isn’t.”

More silence.

“And that was sarcasm, wasn’t it?” she asked Georgina. “Right. I think I should just go.” She turned, but Dominic stepped in front of her.

“Hey, where are you going?” Kiesha yelled.

“Don’t run, Gwen,” Dominic told her, lightly placing his hands on her shoulders. “These women are really nice. You’ll have a fun time.”

“Sit your butt down, Pit Bull! It’s time to start. We have a quiz to win.”

Gwen sighed and pushed down her embarrassment, turning to take a seat.

“Hey! Wait! You can’t rope a new member in!” The shout came from across the room as Loki stormed toward them, frowning. He wore a T-shirt that proclaimed that he was ‘A Loki Warrior.’

“What’s your problem?” Kiesha asked, sounding bored. She looked over her bright green nails.

“I said you can’t rope in someone new. Who even is she?” Loki pointed at Gwen. She straightened. Hadn’t anyone ever taught him it was rude to point?