Jane had been sweet and quiet. They’d both been young when they got married, and she’d always looked to him for guidance.

No way would she have run off on him. And not once but twice within the same day.

And she’d certainly never have tried to pay for dinner.

Dominic knew his views might be seen as old-fashioned. But when he took a woman out to eat, he paid. And then he saw her safely home. No way did she pay or run off on her own into the dark.

And what the heck was she planning on eating now? That was two meals down the drain. Besides, it didn’t sound as though she had even eaten well today.

He didn’t like that.

There had been a tiredness in her eyes that worried him. One that seemed to go deeper than a bit of fatigue from a long day of driving.

Who exactly was Gwen Anderson? And what was she doing in Wishingbone? Why would a woman from New York city want to come to small town, Montana?

Yeah, there was a whole lot that didn’t add up about Miss Gwen. But right now, he was concerned with getting her some food.

“She took off really fast. I hope she’s okay,” Liv said, walking up to him. “I didn’t do anything wrong, did I?”

He nodded with a smile down at the young server. “She left you a good tip, so she must have liked your service.”

Liv’s eyes widened as she took in the hundred-dollar bill. “Wow.” He frowned as he saw some bruising on her wrist as she snatched the bill up.

She glanced down at where he was looking and blushed. “Sorry, uh, my boyfriend got some new, uh, toys for us to play with.”

His eyebrows rose. That was entirely more information than he needed to know. He didn’t know Liv all that well, but he was concerned about those toys causing bruises.

“Well, tell him not to tighten his new toys too much, you shouldn’t be left with bruises. He might want to look into padding too.”

“Oh my God,” she said, going bright red. “I really don’t think we should talk about this.”

“No, you’re right.” Completely inappropriate. “Can you please box up both meals for me? And heat up one of them. I need to make a delivery.”

Gwen locked the hotel door behind her and slumped down on the floor, her hand over her heart.

Okay, running wasn’t going to be her choice of exercise. The only time she ever ran was when she was late for a meeting or heard the ice cream truck.

Damn . . . she could use an ice cream right now. Her stomach gurgled and she placed her other hand over it.

She felt a bit light-headed, but that was probably due to a lack of food.

“You really wanted that burger and fries, huh? Me too. And now I’m talking to my tummy like a crazy person. Am I going to have to get a cat so that I don’t seem bonkers talking to myself?”

She smacked her head back against the door. She needed to erase the last hour. Why did she have to crash into him? Again?

Surely, she wouldn’t see him again. Right?

Her phone rang. Shit. Reuben’s ringtone.

Sometimes she thought he had a sixth sense when it came to her. Lying on her back, she looked up at the ceiling as the room spun slightly.

That wasn’t good.

“Was your Spidey-Sense tingling?” she asked dryly into the phone.

“I don’t have a Spidey-Sense.”

“Sorry. Forgot you’re more the bad guy.”

“If I’m going to be the bad guy, I’d be the devil.”

“Damn, he was hot in that TV show.”

“And I’m not?” he demanded.

“This is a really awkward conversation. You’re my best friend. I can’t see you as hot. It’s physically impossible. Plus, I’m old enough to be your mother.”

“You’re eleven years older than me,” he said dryly.

“Maybe I just feel ancient, then.” She sighed tiredly.

“Gwen? What is it? Did you push yourself too hard?” he asked sharply.

Uh-oh. Daddy Reuben had just been activated.

She definitely did need food. She was losing control of her tongue.

“What? No. I’m fine,” she said rapidly. “Sorry. I’m just a little tired, but I promise, I am A-Okay. Why’re you calling anyway. We just spoke. Aww, are you missing me?”

He sighed. “You can’t bullshit me, Gwen. If I have to come out there, I will.”

“You’re the one that sent me here! And I really am fine. It was just a long day and I’m hungry.”

“Did you go to Delicious tonight?”

“Yeah, I did.”

“Was the food disgusting?” he continued. “It’s gotten some mixed reviews . . . although there are a lot of good mixed in with the bad.”

“Not sure where the good came from. Although, some of the women there seemed to like his attention. What do people see in a sleazeball like that? He’s got to have an STD.”